Friends, please take this quiz? I won't tell you who the characters are until you actually do the quiz and tell me what you got, k? You'll also think I'm crazy for picking these characters, but there are reasons! ((You might find out who the characters are possibly...)) The characters basically make up any character in any anime. So, it doesn't really matter. Oh yeah, I made this quiz, so don't be expecting to know what it is.
.: biggrin irections::.
It's quite simple actually, all you do is place an X to something that seems like you. Then you add up all the X's and place them in the "x/20". When you are finished, choose which personality you are.
((I'll be placing my own X's into these, just ignore it. o_o))
Personality # 1
[ ] You are very strong-willed. [ ] Even though you deny it, you are VERY stubborn. [ ] You are aiming to become very successful in life. [ ] You are good at singing. [x] You tend to accidently stare at people too hard when you're thinking. [ ] You can almost always see through other people's thoughts or purposes. [ ] You feel so related/attached to your favorite poems/lyrics. [ ] You love the finest of foods. (yes, the very rich people's foods.) [ ] You're athletic and very outgoing. [x] You tend to always think you'll be very good at something, but end up being wrong. [ ] You wear dangerous clothing such as mini skirts, revealing tops, anything sexy. [x] You are secretly obsessed with many things. [ ] Once in a while you wish that you could just escape the world and be alone for at least just a moment. [ ] You are a very busy person. You barely have any time for fun activities. [ ] A lot of people look up to you because of your great qualities. [ ] You have more ESP than most people. (I think ESP is supposed to be something like being able to see the future.) [ ] You tend to fall in love with any guy with good looks. [ ] You get angry easily, even if someone is just messing around with you. [ ] You tend to use special talents, such as flirting, to get people jealous. [ ] You don't make many friends because you are afraid that they'll leave you.
3/20 Personality #2
[ ] You tend to correct people when their grammer is incorrect. [ ] You seem to put too much detail into everything. [ ] You seem to always put all your mind into a lot of things, which ends up giving you a bad headache. [ ] You have one goal in your life at this moment that you are working hard to achieve. [ ] You love things that allow you to think mentally and see through other minds. [ ] You don't have many dislikes OR likes, which makes you seem quite plain. [ ] In your type of guy, you don't care much about their looks. You wish for him to have great knowledge, will never give up, yet he still has a very soft personality. [ ] Education is very important to you. [ ] Your style is very plain, you don't really care what you wear. At least you're wearing something right? [x] Love could be one of your "weaknesses", even though you wish to fall in love. [ ] You are extremely smart when it comes to education. [x] You seem to be calm in most situations than others. [x] Everyone relies on you for educational help. [ ] You are quiet around big crowds. They give you a bad headache. [x] You don't really talk much in the first place. [ ] You're happy with the friends you have now and feel no need to go and make new ones. [x] Though you don't seem it, you love competition and you are always aiming to win. (secretly. kukuku.) [ ] You have many physical weaknesses. [ ] You tend to be embarressed for your friends immaturity. [ ] In groups you seem to be the person who thinks the most of outcomes.
5/20Personality #3
[x] You're so carefree your friends tend to be worried about you. [x] You don't really notice things, which ends up dissapointing some people. [x] You feel sorry for people most people wouldn't dare feel sorry for. [x] You try to get people to do things your way. [x] You laugh at things you shouldn't be laughing about. [x] You almost seem like a nerd because of your hobbies. i.e. video games, nerdy shows, anime, collection of manga, etc. [ ] You are shorter than your friends, but you don't mind it. [ ] You eat a TON, and your parents, siblings, friends, adults, etc. scold you about eating too much. [x] You used to be able to manipulate people with tears/whining, but now it's just annoying. [ ] Looks always come first in your type of guy. [x] You tend to not pay attention in class and end up getting bad grades. [x] You always daydream about your ideal love stories. [ ] You love preppy clothes. [x] Although you seem very feminine, you are actually more like a tomboy. [x] You love being the love cupid. [x] You talk to your mom about everything. [x] You tend to be very baby-ish around your parents. [x] You are careless with money and end up trying to buy something you don't have enough money for, and end up begging a friend for money, promising her that you'll pay back, which takes a while. (lol, sorry just had to say that, that happened to me once. 8D) [x] You aren't very athletic, but you try your best at sports. [x] You have less energy than most people and tend to sleep more than most.
16/20Personality #4
[x] You are open-minded. [ ] You are very strong and athletic. [x] You are the tallest of your group of friends. [ ] You are always serious when it comes to the matters of love. [x] Most of the time it's difficult to state your opinion in front of a group of people, and when you do, you get flustered about it. [ ] You are excellent in the world of Home Economics. You're good at cooking, sewing, designing, etc. [ ] You aren't picky about a lot of things, especially food. [ ] You seem so tough on the outside, but really on the inside you're so nice and feminine. [ ] Your type of guy always ends up reminding you of one person you really like. [ ] You know just how to spend money without using it all. [x] Your style is pretty casual. Anything you like basically, but not too in to detail. [ ] You feel the need to get stronger both physically and mentally to protect people. [ ] You fear some certain object that brings back horrible memories. (in this case it's supposed to be an airplane, but there aren't a lot of people scared of airplanes...o_o) [ ] You tend to fall in love at first sight. [ ] You get upset easily and jump right to conclusions. [ ] You act right away without thinking. [ ] You love making others happy with the few talents you have. [ ] You love beautiful plants, vases, pots, decorations, plates, bowls, etc. [x] You never want your friends worrying about you, besides they have other important things to worry about already right? [x] You wish others wouldn't judge you just becuase of your looks.
Personality # 5 [ ] You are very bubbly and fun. [ ] You get carried away very easily. [ ] You are a scatterbrain and can't get anything done right. (most of the time) [ ] You always want things to be balanced. [x] You tend to forget things a lot. [ ] You wish one day to bathe in spotlight! [ ] You love having fun, and never want to be bored. [ ] You'll do anything that will keep you entertained. [ ] You'll take almost any dare someone's given you. [ ] You are very competitive. [ ] Good looks always come first in a guy. It'd be even nicer if he was nice and tall. [ ] You are the best when it comes to flattering people. [ ] You absolutely love sports/working out, it gives you a good feeling inside and out. [x] You love cute clothes and anything that matches your personality. [ ] You are oddly afraid of those who are surperior to you. (police, president, governor, etc.) [ ] You are extremely into tune with all the celebrities. [x] You totally love listening to the radio to keep up with all the latest songs. [ ] You fall for almost everything. [ ] Love is very important to you, but you just don't know how to keep it steady with every boy you like. [ ] Your friends sometimes get totally annoyed of you when you get too obsessive.
Well that's it guys! Comment or post your own journal to show me your results? Or some other way? o_o TY! <3 My personality is #3, lol.