Hey how's all your Summer's going?
Mine is going by...slowly...and quite boring.
You know whenever I have Summer break I always think, "Dude...I'm only going to have a 14 year old Summer once and this one sucks." ((or whatever age I am at the time))
I'm not doing ANYTHING fun at all o_o
Well this Saturday I'm going to go swimming with friends.
And I love the new bikini I bought > 3 <
Except for the fact that I look...fat in it. o_<
There's a bikini top, which is striped with white and red.
And the bottoms are black short shorts.
They match quite well in my opinion. 8D
Well next week I'll be having old friends over from Utah.
Their family is coming, which consists of two boys, one girl, and a mom.
So I might not be on the computer much to talk to you all.
And if I
AM on that means I'm on with a friend, so I won't talk to you at all really. 8D
I've been playing some of my old games lately.
I have a N64 ((Nintendo 64)) that surprisingly has very good games.
I've finished beating Pokemon Puzzle League and Kirby 64!
And to the people from "RSAR" who read this, that is why I haven't been on the computer at all lately.
And I'm thinking about playing the Sims 2 now or starting a new N64 game.
So I'm sorry if I don't talk to y'all or anything.
I'll be busy being a gamer! XP