I haven't made a journal entry in a while.
I guess I should make one now? 8D
Well yesterday I checked my horoscope.
And it matched me REALLY well. O_O
Here read it ::
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
You may feel somewhat confused as Mars enters expressive Leo, where he stays until July 1. Gone is the easy comfort you felt with Mars in watery Cancer. Now Mars wants real action -- and you may not be ready to handle the drama. Take it slow and don't let anyone push you onto the stage until you are truly ready to perform.
It like matches me really well!
And it matches Brigitte well too because she's a pisces.
Isn't that so scary? @_@
Well odd things happened yesterday.
Two people were trying to get my pants wet with a water bottle.
And it includes "him".
I really did
hate him for like an hour or two.
But then when I saw him wearing cat ears I was like, "OMFG I love you~
heart "
Yeah I know...I'm crazy. D:
We also watched our commercials yesterday.
Which were
extremely funny by the way.
But our groups was horrible because of ME. D:
I kept stuttering and I just ruined it all.
And I showed the side of my face.
Which I KNOW for myself that I'm not supposed to do that.
Gosh...now everyone saw the ugly side of me. D:
Yeah I woke up really early this morning because I was embarressed about what I did in that commercial.
And the WHOLE 8th grade saw it.
Damn it I'm so stupid...D:
Hey you should listen to this song and listen to the meaning of it ::
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RthZgszykLsHaha. I'll leave you with that now.