Hey you know what I found out?
When I'm older and if I have a daughter, her middle name will be Trinity. I don't know but I just like the sound of "Trinity". But it would be weird to name her that as her first name... so I guess it would go good as a middle name? That's what I will definitely do! If I have a girl her middle name WILL be Trinity. D< And I don't care if it doesn't match her first name. DDDD<
Ideas for First Names (Girl) :: Rachel, Spring, Sophie, Stephanie (Steph), Haley, and Zoe Ideas for First Names (Guy) :: Evan, Bret, Connor, Kevin, Steven, Travis, and Trevor.
And I've decided that I want three children. ^o^ (lol that'd be funny if I died before I could have a baby... and I planned all of this already...) - Two Girls, One Boy That's what I would want, but it doesn't have to be that way. Because I've never experienced having a sister, so it'd be fun to watch my daughters experience it for me? (I have 4 brothers btw.) And I would want the brother to be the oldest? I don't know why. XD
And in addition I want two puppies. One small puppy and one big puppy. A golden retriever most likely (I really love golden retrievers...even if they can be a big pain in the butt.) and I would probably take Snowflake with me. And don't worry about Coty, my brother or mom would most likely keep him.
Now the musts for my husband :: He will NOT work in the military. If he does he will have to retire before our first kid turns 5. And I'll force him to be healthy, just for health concerns. I don't want him to have a heart attack just before his kid turns 13.
Musts for housing :: My dream house would be the kind of house I live in now. I would of course decorate it more, because the white bores me. It would have to have at least 4 bedrooms. (and yes I know, you can't get this right when you start out. But this would be the kind of house I'd wish for when my kids are almost preteens.)
Job Ideas?
-Seamstress/Tailor :: Someone who makes clothes. -Voice Actor :: Someone who does voices in cartoons, animes, animated movies, games, etc. -Something that has to do with art. -Game designer :: Creates things in games.
Yeah those are my mains. I have no idea what I would do if I were an artist. I wonder what kind of jobs they have? And no, my dream as a manga artist has crashed and has fell down. So please don't say I should be a manga artist if anyone reads this at all? @o@
Yeah I know, making clothes (ftw?)... I don't know but I like the idea of creating something beautiful for someone to wear and cherish.
Voice Actor, I'm pretty good at changing my voice honestly. But I would have to lose my fright of talking in front of other people if I were to become a VA.
I've tried making clothes for the sims before and trust me, it's not easy. But I think those game designers get payed a lot, so when I actually learn how to do things I'll be able to do it...possibly.
My mom wants me to be a lawyer, doctor, or some freaking general in the military. And all of those jobs would suck for me. I am horrible at speech, so therefore I would fail as a lawyer. And as a doctor I would faint and flinch at the sight of blood and injuries. I wouldn't even be able to get close to a general...FTW!? So yeah, my moms ideas are a total no no. 8D
Yeah, well in the end, I don't really give a crap about what happens. This is just my ideal future family...doesn't have to happen. I might not even get married in the first place! XD (or I could die before I even get into college...) And I don't even know if my job and my husband's job would be able to afford three children and two puppies. So whatever happens happens. I don't care at all.
