Hello everyone!
heart How are you all?
whee Well a lot has happened since that last journal entry I've posted.
I got a new puppy! His name is Coty/Dakota.
He responds to Dakota more...but my brother likes Coty better. D:
He's a yorkie, and my mom got him from a friend at work!
He's really hyper, and he's tried to run away from home twice. O_<
And since he's a guy, my Snowflake ((guy)) likes to hump him.
Yes, Snowflake's gay.
My mom's friend, almost bought me an i-Pod Nano!!!!
Isn't that so weird!? @_@
But I forced her not to because it was too expensive!
So instead she got me DDR Supernova 2!
I've beaten most of it, and I'm still getting more songs...
Hyper Master Mode is
PISSING me off though!!! D<
I got a new cellphone too! : D!!!
o_o Well, it's probably not as awesome as you guys think, but it makes me happy because it's the first cellphone I've ever had!
crying It's a shiny black one with a
DARK DARK blue back.
It's an LG from Verizon, and its one of those that slide up with a texting keyboard. ((not the one you're all going after though @_@))
It has unlimited text too! 8D
If any of my friends read this, please send me a PM with your cellphone number please?
biggrin That would be so awesome if you did!!!
I've updated my sites.
Check my DeviantART to see all the new pictures I drew ::
http://kawaiibunnychan.deviantart.com/Youtube Video ::
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znOuSDec8RsComment please? I'll love you forever! *which I already probably do*
-Signing off Now-