I'm eating vanilla YanYan~! XD It tastes really good...
Today at church we didn't have a teacher because the teacher had an anxiety attack. I feel kind of sad about that because she's one of my moms closest friends. And she's always been there for our family no matter what. She always tries to be with us as much as she can. I hope she feels okay soon.
Today I went to the Korean Bookstore~! They had a lot of plushies! But they didn't have the plushies I wanted to get for Karin and Mai! No Chococat at all... cry I was with Amieku, Deidara, and Itachi... We went to the back, and guess what! There were 8 feet tall bookshelves full of manga! But they were all in Korean... *sigh* I should learn how to speak korean... I've always wanted to anyways. They had all of the Naruto books so far! They had the book with Hidan on the front and I was like... "TEH SMEXINESS OF HIDAN!!!"
Then we went to the Korean store called, "Han a Rum" It's the one in Denver, which is HUGE!!! Well anyways we went to the plushie section of the store... It was full of plushies...cute pencils...cute backpacks...etc... I go to this store everytime I come to the Korean store with my friends. So the owners of the store were kind of annoyed. One owner asked, "Are you going to buy anything?" Last time we went there the lady didn't want us to touch a lot of stuff. She didn't want anything to be broken. It's not like we, the awesomenessest would break anything so cute. *sigh* Adults...*rolls eyes*
You know Shippuden episodes really annoy me. What's with them? I mean, they like put things in it to fill the whole episode. Like staring at each other for a long time... Thinking of something everyone knows already. Flashbacks they've already shown twelve times. Stupid things that aren't in the manga. It's just so...TARDED.
My moms close friend came from this one state to visit us today! They're staying til the 28th...which I don't know when that is... Is it a Friday?
My puppy is gay man! He like is raping my moms friends dog. When I say raping, I mean it. He really is!!! *twitch* It disturbs me to see it. And yes, I try my best to stop it from happening.
Christmas has already come... Time goes too fast! @_@ I always open my presents on Christmas Eve though. I'm going to open them tommorow night! I'm allowed to open one present right now... But I feel like waiting til tommorow. I have 10 presents! I usually have way more than that... Which is odd... Everyone must hate me now. Well I have to count Nana-chan, Miyuki-chan, Karin-chan, and Mai-chan's presents! So that counts as 14 presents? That makes me feel specialer now...XD
That's all I feel like talking about now! Oh yeah...down there has been bothering me so much! I've been hurting so mucheez all day...>_>
Byebye now!
