I'm so sorry Mai...
I'm so very very very sorry...
It's all my fault.
I shouldn't have told him at all.
I'm so sorry.
I feel horrible because all of this caused you to cry.
You're not ready.
I didn't make sure that you were ready.
It's all my fault.
I was so selfish at lunch.
You started to cry, and I was trying to open the stupid candy cane wrapper.
You were right next to me crying...
and I didn't even notice.
I should be the first one to notice.
I should be...I'm probably even making you more sad by saying this.
I love you so much!
I can't believe...that what I did...hurt
I hurt the friend closest to me.
Always by my side.
Sometimes I don't think I deserve you.
Okay I will stop being emo for your sake!
I will try typing things that won't get me sad!!!
Okay let's see.
Thank you so much for the present Mai-chan!
Tis is so cute!
I love it so much!!!
*hugglez love*
My mom was going to take it away from me because she said it's soo cute! XD
Thankz to Miyuki-chan too!
I love it so much!
I was going up to random people saying, "Isn't I so cute?"
They stared at me very weirdly.
"It's my character! *walks away*"
It's very akward to sit next to Gaylen everyday.
He tends to stare at me...
So I become very uncomfortable...
The movie in History was akward.
It was very boring too.
But really weird O_o
We played bingo in math.
I made a picture for Hughes!
I never gave it to her though!
I fell horrible...>_<
My laziness is so bad for me.
Don't ever become lazy!
*claps for Miyu-chan*
Today I dist-obeyed my mom and I wore mascara...and eyeshadow.
You can barely see it though!
I like to put make-up on because it makes me feel special!
I don't know how it makes me feel special...
I guess I feel more grown-up then usual!
Hmmm...I guess that's all I have to say...
Well I probably would...
If I didn't have sadness covering my heart right now...
I LOVE YOU ALL! *hugglation power upgrade*
heart heart heart