^ cute 8 year old playin' Monkey Wrench on Expert... I love him!!! XP
Oh yeah... really close to being forced to play the piano... mom asked me if I did and I was honest and said no... but she said this is thee last time she'll slide like that...
More in a minzute...
Hmmm... I ish getting better at Hard though... I love playing Heart-Shaped Box on Expert... SO MUCH FUN!!! xd
I can see you... I'm sitting right next to you...
Yeah... sure... stare I wish!!!
I'm the type that likes scary movies... and holy s**t: my brother just burped and it almost made me crap my pants, I mean, skirt... aaanyway... I don't know why I was talking about the movie thing, but I'll continue... I love the idea that slaughter and laughter are spelled with the same words... make that letters...
Brittney Beloved TM · Fri Jul 27, 2007 @ 09:25pm · 10 Comments |