Changed my MySpace song... yay!!! BLAH...
Yet again, last night I fell asleep to your picture... of you an' Skylar this time... but then I had a strange dream:
I was in a weird building that had a ton of rooms and people were there with me... we had to run around the building and try to stay away from this evil villian who was trying to make a deal with a teacher... we had to find things... like a scavanger hunt... but I seriously couldn't find anything except pieces to a vaccuum cleaner... xp
DON'T ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xd
Hmmm... doritoe??? That how you spell it??? Who knows...
Do you feel the weight of the world singing sorrow... blah blah blah blah blah...
Tra la la...
I'm hungry... don't wanna eat... I'll wait 'till I'm so hungry that it hurts when it growls... mrgreen
I wanna do something... hmmm... doo doo doo... *dances in chair* woah!!!
From time to time... da da da... that all that's fine... choo choo choo... woah...
I guess my mind wanders off from time to time... sweatdrop
Brittney Beloved TM · Sat Jul 28, 2007 @ 05:23pm · 8 Comments |