Me and Em had an awesome time!!! We stayed up 'till like 6 in the morning... earlier that night, we were watching a very upsetting show... the whole time, I thought of you...
She let me borrow The Almost, instead of just burning it for me since her computer broke and wouldn't turn on...
We were playing with Pachen and Em got on the floor, right next to me... I guess I didn't see her because I looked to my left and screamed!!! rofl Em cracked up so hard... and I couldn't breathe...
We both almost died, literally... Brown Recluse spider was in a pouch that Em was holding and she didn't know... she almost stuck her hand in it... but then she decided to just poor the pouch of bullet shells, and a spider that she had no idea was in it, into a bowl... THE FRICKEN' SPIDER HAD AN EGG/EGG SACK ON IT'S BACK!!! gonk I swear, the spider looked like a Brown Recluse and those things are deadly... I couldn't sit down after that... I was shaking... xp
Let's see... then my Papa forced me to play some GH2 songs on Hard... I didn't do THAT bad... my lowest score was an 87...
Hmmm... uhhh... not much else happened... but I do love you and I miss you... hope to talk to you tomorrow... oh yeah... please tell whoever I woke up that I'm really sorry... I'm just not used to people who sleep... sweatdrop
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Jul 26, 2007 @ 06:31pm · 5 Comments |