For some reason, I'm really happy... mrgreen
Maybe it's because I love my Gaia profile??? Maybe it's because I'm awesome??? Maybe it's because I can actually play piano/keyboard??? I don't know, but I'm ultra happy!!!
I hate not being able to talk to you... and I just wanna say that if you can't go to the Con, I really hope we can see each other soon... in an easy way... I would send you some money, but I don't have much and I don't know if it'd help you any... I'm trying to get Lyss's mom to talk to mine... and I think I'll call Lyss tomorrow and see if I can go over there... maybe we can finally try and organize that giant envelope... we might transfer all the items to a box, considering the fact that we might add more... and then if my mom picks me up, our parents can have an important conversation... mrgreen
I have to sing today, which sucks because my tummy hurts and I don't feel like standing at all... oh well... singing is fun... especially when your mom doesn't care if you blast music in your car/truck and you sing along with it... but don't forget, you sound good too... xp yes, I am referring to me... xd
Still haven't played KH yet... maybe it's because I've been updating my Gaia profile... I think I love it... can't take my eyes off it... domokun I'll probably start playing tomorrow again... just haven't had time...
Well... I'm gonna mess around with the Internet for a little while longer... then I shall take a shower and construct an awesome outfit... do my hair... la la la... okay, I'll go now...
Oh yeah... I put your pics on my iPod... 4laugh hahaha...
Well... I'm back for now... my dad's still at my uncle's house being stupid... xp
I just got back from a second service today... quite awesome!!! xd I did awesome singing today... this was one of my good days... I have those bad days where I sound crappy and good days where I sound awesome... I had a good day...
Now... my brother is being annoying and playing stupid songs on the keyboard... you know, the ones that are in the keyboard... stare it's so annoying... oh well... if I yell at him, my mom may back me up or she'll just yell at me...
Today, after the first church service... me, Lauren, my cousin Sammi Jo and her sister Gabbi went out to eat... 'twas fun... I guess me, Lauren and Sammi have nicknames now... me ((Bridget)), Lauren ((Lorraina)) and Sammi ((Tamara))??? LMAO... don't ask...
Me and Lauren drove separately from Gabbi and Sam... 'twas fun, considering the fact that me and Lauren blasted an awesome mix CD that her friend made her... had Kill Hannah, Fall Out Boy, MCR, Hinder, AFI and some other awesome stuff on it... it was awesome... windows rolled down, driving through the Ghetto, blasting the best music eva... xd no joke...
Today was a really good day, except for the fact that your Library had to be closed today... oh, how I wish you had Internet connection... the good kind, that doesn't include dial-up... it's gotta be high-speed... xd
I think I may hang with my mom for a little while... before my dad gets home... play a computer game, cards or video games??? Dunno... find out sooner or later...
Night Night... 4laugh
Brittney Beloved TM · Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 05:55pm · 2 Comments |