Guessed it??? Hope so...
All I did today was play KH... with a few breaks here and there...
I did awesome!!! I decided that before I go to the End of the World, I would go get some more of the items I need to make the Ultima keyblade... to make it, I need: Power Gem (5), Lucid Gem (5), Thunder Gem (5), Mystery Goo (3) and Gale (3)... before I started to actually LOOK for them, I hade 4 power gems, 4 lucid gems, 8 thunder gems, 1 mystery goo and no gales...
So I went on a quest... ninja I looked through the bestiary and looked at what the enemies dropped... I found most of the items easily but it took me a while to get the mystery goo... considering, the White Mushrooms don't always appear when you want them to...
But in the end, I got 4 mystery goo instead of 3... mrgreen all I need now are the gales... all three... but the only place I can get them is in the End of the World... I didn't want to go there just yet, so I entered the Hades' Cup with just Sora... what sucks is: IT'S HARD!!! I'm almost done but I died for the 3rd time... and I have to start from the 20th seed... I can do it... just need patience... so I took a break and decided that I wanted to try to find the Angel Stars (enemies that drop gales) in the End of the World... but I didn't feel like continuing when I got there so I shut it off...
Did a few dishes and now I'm here... cool
But I leveled up a lot!!! Man... I went from like the 50s to the 60s in just a few fights... I'm awesome... and I believe that when it's the right time, I will fight Sephiroth and beat him!!! I did it in FFVII, I can do it in KH!!!
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 10:15pm · 2 Comments |