Turkeys are very helpful in our everyday lives... they feed us, entertain us and feed us...
They come in many shapes and sizes... feathers or no feathers and sometimes... they're even topped with yummy homemade frosting... xp
My dream is to get a turkey... a turkey that sings songs and writes better than any editor in the New York Times... though I've never read the New York Times... but, WHO CARES!!!
Sometimes, turkeys can befriend humans... well... yeah... they can!!! BELIEVE IT!!! (Now I'm Turning Into Naruto... XP)
I want to be the first lady to train a turkey... not just train it but teach it how to play video games... *stares at the sky* we should no longer eat turkeys on Thanksgiving Day... we should go on strike!!!
EAT MORE HAM!!! *holds up sign and walks in a circle*
President Lincoln once decreed that turkeys are our friends but they erased it from history... I found that declaration in tiny print on the side of a Quaker Oats box... how lovely... for I will bring forth a society... OF TURKEYS!!!
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 10:27pm · 14 Comments |