I so totally messed around in the Hades' Cup today... 50 battles in a freakin' row!!! scream
But it all payed out in the end... mrgreen because... I TOTALLY DESTROYED THE ROCK TITAN!!! OH YEAH!!! And I have all the keyblades except the one that's impossible to get ((for me... but I'll get it eventually...)), all the dalmations and all the trinities!!! I AM AWESOME!!! Oh yeah... and I unlocked all the keyholes!!! xp I am awesometh!!!
More in a minute...
Okay... just to let you know, FF is not boring... you just can't take the time out of your busy life to play them... unlike me... xp I don't have a job or any activities I'm involved in... except volunteer work that I haven't gotten to yet...
Not done...
Brittney Beloved TM · Wed Jul 18, 2007 @ 10:47pm · 12 Comments |