As the end of your school year is here, fill out this survey according to all of things you have accomplished...
-Changed hair colors? No...
-Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? ninja yes...
-Ditched? I ditched... uhhh... ummm... choir... on the first day of choir... hee hee... I COULDN'T FIND THE CLASS!!! crying
-Broken up with somebody? Hmmm... I don't think I was in 8th grade, so I don't think so...
-Met someone hard to live without? I would have to agree with Jon... but I did meet him??? sweatdrop
-Was this year the best year so far? I don't know... it would've been better if I was still at Wheeler...
-Made new friends? Yep...
-Failed a class? Not really...
-Lose any old friends? I hope not...
-Get in a fight with a friend? Many times... wait... I don't know... 2 minute fight??? I don't know...
-Gone to a movie with a friend? No... crying
-Get any taller? I don't think so... sweatdrop
-Know people that graduated from high school? YES!!!
-Hungout with more than 3 different people? Yeah... I guess so...
-Tell some one you love them and mean it? Every time I tell him, I mean it...
-Went to a fair? stare yes...
-Dated/"talked to" someone you wish you hadn't? Weird question...
-Hated someone of the opposite sex? MANY!!!
-Hated someone of the same sex? Again... many!!!
-Saw a kiddie movie at the theaters? No... I haven't been to the theater in about a year or so... sad I know...
-Spent most of your year watching tv? Yes...
-Read a book? Quite a few... I would've read lots but I'm a slow reader... sweatdrop
-Sat through something boring? 2nd time today I agree with Jon...
-Drove a car? crying I've had many urges to steal someone's car...
- Regret going out wit someone? Yes... but not Jon... don't think I ever will ((with him))...
- Regret anything that happened this year? YES... ummm... *counts on fingers* I only have 10... crying
Post this with "My ____ Grade Year."
Brittney Beloved TM · Tue Jul 17, 2007 @ 10:29pm · 12 Comments |