A • Are you available? - Nope... • What is your age? - 14... • What annoys you? - Lots of things...
B • Do you know anyone named Billy? - Hmmm... maybe one??? • When is your birthday? - Dec 14... • Who is your best friend? - Emily, Alyssa, Ashley, Lauren... do you really wanna sit through this???
C • What's your favorite candy? - Not a big candy fan but I don't really know... • Crush? - Oranges... • When was the last time you cried? Hmmm... yesterday...
• Do you daydream? - Uhhh... heh heh... • What's your favorite kind of dog? - One that could do my chores and go to school for me... • What day of the week is it? - Tuesday...
E • How do you like your eggs? - Thrown at a house... • Have you ever been in the emergency room? - Uhhh... no... wait... no... • Ever pet an elephant? - SO CLOSE!!!
F • Do you use fly swatters? - No... I use my shoes... or my mom's shoes... • Have you ever used a foghorn? - No... • Is there a fan in your room? - Yes... there should be a ceiling fan but that might not happen for a while...
G • Do you chew gum? - Every minute of the day... n/r... • Do you like gummy candies? - Yep!!! • Do you like gory movies? - YES!!!
H • How are you? - Very well thank you... • What's your height? - 5'4"... • What color is your hair? - Used to be blonde... now it's brownish??? I DON'T KNOW!!!
I • What's your favorite ice cream? - 'Nilla... • Have you ever ice-skated? - No... • Ever been in an igloo? - No...
J • What's your favorite Jelly Bean? - I like Root Beer, Cream Soda, Bubble Gum, Black Pepper, 7 Up... • Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke? - Many... • Do you wear jewelry? - If hair-ties count...
K • Who do you want to kill? - A girl named Becca Zrnchik... • Have you ever flown a kite? - No... • Do you think kangaroos are cute? - No... every time I go to the zoo, they're sleeping...
L • Are you laidback? - Not quite sure... possibly... • Lions or Tigers? - Rhinos... • Do you like black licorice? - *puke*
M • Favorite movie as a kid? - LAND BEFORE TIME!!! LMAO!!! • Ever shopped at Moosejaw? - Cheese Puff??? • Favorite store at the mall? - Hot Topic...
N • Do you have a nickname? - Brit, Poo Muffin and Rapunzle... • What's your favorite number? - 14, 19, 15, 17, 20, 22... • Do you prefer night or day? - Not quite sure...
O • What's your one wish? - To go to a Con and see someone I've only seen in pictures... • Are you an only child? - No... • Do you like the color orange? Yeah...
P • What are you most paranoid about? - You... • Piercing? - 2... tongue piercing would be cool... lol...
Q • Are you quick to judge people? - sweatdrop certain people... yes... • Do you like Quacker oats? - If only they made their own brand of Cheetoes... • Know anyone that makes quilts? - No...
R • Do you think you're always right? - I wish I was... • Do you watch reality TV? - ... • A reason to cry? - I closed my finger in the car door???
S • Do you prefer sun or rain? - I'm a big fan of rain... • Do you like snow? - Only because my b-day's in it... • What's your favorite season? - End of fall, beginning of winter...
T • What time is it? - 4:46 PM... • What time did you wake up? - Have no idea... prolly around 10...
U • Can you ride a unicycle? - No... but my dad can... I still pray for the day that he shows me... xp • Do you know anyone with a unibrow? - Yes... forgot his name... • How many uncles do you have? - Let's count... about 6... prolly have more on my bio dad's side...
V • What's the worst vegetable? - TOMATO!!! • Did you ever watch Veggie Tales? - Yes... xp they scare me... • Ever considered being vegan? - Hell no!!!
W • What's your worst habit? - Hmmm... I'm constantly twirling my hair... • Do you like water rides? - 3nodding • Ever been inside a windmill? - No...
X • Have you ever had an x-ray? - Many... • Ever used a Xerox machine? - No... but I've seen one...
Y • Do you like the color yellow? - Sorta... depends... • Do you yell when you're angry? - 3nodding
Z • Do you believe in the zodiac? - No... but it's fun to read about... mrgreen • What's your zodiac sign? - Sagitarius... • When was the last time you went to the zoo? Like a few days ago... xp not really... but it wasn't that long ago...
1. Story behind your MySpace song? I love the song... no story... but others have stories...
2. What's bothering you right now? If this quiz is ever going to end...
3. Do you close the door when you pee? Sometimes...
4. Wallet? Yep!!!
5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop? neutral
6. Background on your cell phone? Guitar...
7. Jewelry worn daily? I wear hair-ties on my wrists every day???
8. Where your default picture was taken? In the corner of my room... next to my door...
9. Eyes? Green... they change colors but I'm pretty sure they're green right now...
10. Life? ... ???
11. House? Yes???
12. What are you doing this weekend? Have no clue??? Hopefully going to the mall...
13. What are you wearing? 2 shirts and a skirt...
14. What are you wanting? Food and the answer to my question...
15. Where are you? Downstairs at home...
16. Listening to? Haste the Day...
17. Have you kissed anyone in the past week? No...
18. What do you smell like? *shrugs shoulders*
19. Eating? Nothing... but I'm drinking Gatorade...
20. Besides your bed, what is your favorite thing in your room? My TV, stereo, iHome... many others...
21. Do you believe in a soul mate? ??? Sounds funny... xp
22. Do you sleep naked? eek I'd be afraid of myself!!!
23. Do you remember your dreams? Rarely...
25. Do you believe in miracles? Yes... b/c one happened when I was 8... if you wanna know, ask me...
26. Do you burn easily in the sun? No comment...
27. Do you speak another language other than English? Sorta... but it's not a spoken language... and the other isn't really a language...
28. What's something you wish you could understand better? Everything...
29. What did you do last weekend? Cried my eyes out...
30. Who do you miss? Humans...
31. Have you ever been in a fashion show? Yes...
32. Orange or apple juice? OJ!!! AJ sometimes...
33. Who were the last people you went somewhere with? I forgot...
34. What was the last text message you received? I don't know... but it was from Gabbi...
35. Last text message you sent? To Gabbi...
36. Last time you ate a home grown tomato? NEVER!!! HATE EM'!!!
37. What is the closest thing to you that is blue? A notebook...
38. What was the last thing you ate? A cheeseburger...
39. Last person you hugged? I forget...
40. Who's house did you go to yesterday? Mine...
41. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? My grandpa...
42. Do you like someone right now? Nope... I hate his guts... xp
43. What do you wear more, slacks, jeans or sweatpants? Jean SKIRTS...
44. What is the last movie you watched? Some strange Snow White movie... very creepy...
45. Have you ever heard of the band Our Lady Peace? Maybe???
46. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Both??? The mall... the day before I had surgery...
48. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? I was in 3rd grade... stare don't wanna talk about it...
49. What is your shoe size? 8 1/2... ((holy crap, your foot is big!!!))
50. Do you want someone you can't have? No...
Brittney Beloved TM · Tue Jul 17, 2007 @ 11:02pm · 2 Comments |