Holy crap... today was insane!!! I SAW A FLYING MOOSE!!! |
Actually... it was more serious than you think...
My dad's been being a jerk since Saturday night... okay... Lyss stayed the night Friday, which you should already know since I said I was gonna sit on her Saturday morning... aaanyway, Lyss was having a party 'cause her b-day was the 9th... 2 of my friends that I haven't seen for ages were gonna be there and they were most likely spending the night... right before we left to take her home, my dad said I could go but it'd have to be later, considering all the business we had to take care of that day...
We did all of the things we had to do... go to a baby shower, go to a graduation party and go to choir practice... right after we got home, my mom asked me where her iPod was... I told her I didn't know ((completely forgetting that I'd used it a day or 2 ago and left it by my keyboard))... she kept screaming at me so I did it back... you know me, I forget things easily... crying IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!!
Well, I guess my dad heard me yell at her and asked why... I told him why and he got all ticked at me... I went outside to look in the truck and when I went back inside, he said they found it where I had it last... then he said the words that almost made me hurt myslf: and you're not going tonight...
OH WAS I PISSED!!! I hid in my closet for over an hour... fell asleep mind you...
But after a while, I got up and went out to sit on the couch... I was minding my own business and looking out the window... he came up and told me to close the blinds, in his 'I'm so mad at you' voice...
My mom left after a while to go let the Pastor borrow our truck to take all the sound system back to the building... I was alone with my dad and brother... it makes me sick how spoiled that kid is and how miserable my dad makes ME...
Yet again, I was minding my own business, eating pickles and attempting to play cards by myself when my dad asked me a stupid question: are you eating those out of the jar...
DID IT LOOK LIKE I HAD A PLATE NEAR??? NO!!! xp so I got a bowl and started shoveling a ton of em' out of the jar... he said: that's enough... but I attempted to keep shoveling... I like pickles, darn it!!! I got a little bit of the juice on the table so I got a paper towel and cleaned it off, quickly throwing away the piece of paper... and he just had to put his opinion in the matter: you could've kept that and used it instead of wasting it... I DON'T CARE!!! scream
So today, I was dragged along to a car wash with my family... I guess they intended to make the truck squeaky clean since it hadn't had a wash like that in about a year... he's yelling at me to get a vaccuum... yelling at me to get the smooshed gum off the carpet... I was... I was using my nails, couldn't get it off... I moved away, thinking that I was about done... he yelled at me, yet again, because it wasn't all off... so I yelled back... I told him that I got as much as I possibly could out of the stupid floor...
HE'S SUCH A BOOTY FACE!!! He thinks that he's keeping me safe, making me sit in the back... I wasn't allowed to sit up front until I was around 13-14... and now he punished me, saying that I had to sit in the back...
Back to the story: he said I was grounded for the rest of the summer, I started talking to myself, saying that if he hates me so much, I might as well hate him back... then we got home and he started this: when we get a new vehicle, you're sitting in the back still... he started saying that my mom and him both deserve an apology and such... blah blah blah... he taught me how to apologize correctly... blah blah blah... then he gave me a lecture about sitting in the back seat and that he wants me safe... I told him that people laugh at me cause he makes me sit in the back... and then I asked him if I was ever gonna be able to sit up there again before I move out and get my own car and can you guess what he said??? He said no...
*throws a giant rock at the wall and it explodes into a million pieces*
At least he said I was ungrounded... sitting in the back is okay, I guess...
WOW... that was a long story... and I never knew how horrible my family can be sometimes... then they do this 'mood swing' thing and they're happy as can be... giving me anything I want ((not really))...
Well... yes, now you know how horrible my life is and how I suffer... but then you hear all the nice things about my parents... how my dad hides the mouse from me when he doesn't want me on the puter... blah blah blah...
AAAANYWAY... I'm happy now... my parents aren't complete and total jerks at the moment so I'm pretty much okay... I was thinking about finishing Kingdom Hearts... I need to...
Grawl... now I'm annoyed cause I couldn't figure out where to go... stare
Oh well, now I'm playing a computer game with my little brother... you know, I'm always mean to my brother and it actually sorta makes me happy to be nice to him once in a while... mrgreen
Yeah... today's Tuesday and I was too lazy to make another entry...
I figured out the KH part I was stuck on... I feel like an idiot now... stare but I'm so close to finishing the game, maybe a week or so... considering my parents can't leave me alone... if they did, it'd take me about 2-4 days...
Brittney Beloved TM · Mon Jul 16, 2007 @ 09:55pm · 2 Comments |