I was sleeping downstairs last night... fell asleep around 1 maybe??? Well... I woke up at like 2:45 itching my ankles and my arms like crazy... I have 4 bites on my right arm and like 2 on each ankle... they sorta wore off after not scratching em' so I'm not exactly sure how many there are...
But now I feel itchy all over and I don't know why... crying
The funny thing about the mosquito is that it flew by Lyss's ear and she like spazzed... it was hilarious!!! I looked at her like she was a mental patient... xp
Now I shall go sit on her... she's still sleeping and she will probably stay that way until like 5 PM... unless I wake her up... twisted
Brittney Beloved TM · Sat Jul 14, 2007 @ 05:33pm · 4 Comments |