There are many turkeys in certain areas of the United States of America... and there are many turkeys that are not living anymore... that's why when you walks into a turkey pen, it's important to keep this fact in mind:
Dead turkeys are easy to identify due to their conspicuous lack of motion...
If you don't know this and think it's sleeping, you're wrong... if there are maggots or other insects crawling throughout the lifeless turkey, of course, you might want to come to the conclusion that this animal is no longer living...
To quickly identify a dead, lifeless turkey, simply run like a maniac into a turkey pen and watch to see what turkeys aren't running away... be careful... it might trick you into thinking it's dead... it COULD be a maniacal turkey getting ready to conduct research on human bodies... so be careful...
Dead turkeys usually disguise themselves as llamas or, as we call them in this age, murder cows... they look something like this: dramallama
Brittney Beloved TM · Fri Jul 13, 2007 @ 10:51pm · 4 Comments |