Okay... I was sitting at lunch today, next to Lyss and I saw her throwing her jello on the table... it bounced... mrgreen so I decided to do an experiment... I took my little cup of jello and set it on it's side on the table and it spun in a circle over and over again... I was watching it and laughing... it swayed from side to side and slowed down so I blew it... hahaha... it started spinning really fast again... hee hee... that's what I did at lunch... the whole time... so... Lyss took a slice of peach and put it in the jello along with 4 eating utensils... it kinda looked like a UFO... I also added 2 tots... 3nodding we took the second jello and made it orbit around the 'motherjello'... LMAO... it was awesome... then she took part of her 'rib on bun and stuffed it in another jello container that was empty... TWO ORBITS!!! LOL... they shall praise the almighty peach!!! xp it was awesome...
Hold on... not done...
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Mar 01, 2007 @ 11:02pm · 2 Comments |