My cousin Erika is so mean... she's only like 8 years old and she's mean... grrr... I wish my family was nice... crying
What else??? Oh yeah... I'm leaving today, at around 6:30, to go see a play at our High School... it's a play my mom is skipping church to go see... I was like eek
^--- she'd never skip church... or at least, that's what I thought... I guess I was wrong...
Aaanyway... today was Twin Day at school... of course... no one loves me and I don't have a cool twin... well... anyone that wants to dress up like me... Lyss and me WERE gonna dress up like Catholic school girls... but she thought of that yesterday and we had no time...
Today was okay... this stupid girl in my math class tripped me and I yelled at her... then she started making fun of me and my "religion"... she said she was Atheist ((she doesn't even know what it means, considering the fact that she had to ask the teacher)) and then asked me if I was too... I just ignored her and read the greatest manga of all time, Death Note...
Hmmm... oh yeah... we had a black lady as our sub today in Music... at the end of class, she told us to pick up papers and I was like: "I don't take orders from racist black people..."
Brittney Beloved TM · Wed Feb 28, 2007 @ 11:03pm · 4 Comments |