I am so flippin' happy!!! 4laugh and this time... I know why... mrgreen
Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan... 4laugh
I looked at your pictures for about a half-hour yesterday night before I went to bed... xp
I can't wait till you send that box thingy... you is making me be not able to sit still... stare
BACK... weee... weee... weee... loo loo... lalala...
OMG... sudden burst of energy!!! LOVE YOU!!! 4laugh xp
I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... to OPEN THAT BOX!!! crying I is so excited... when I'm not online, I'm like jumping around wishing the box was in my hands... so evil you are... with your torturing tortures of torturefulness!!!
And you're evil another way too... you have some super power that makes people ((me)) happy whenever you type/speak... it's evil I tell you!!! EVIL!!!
stare ... mrgreen ... heart
I is so happy... lalalala... dodo... doo... crying I want to... ummm... crap... I forgot... oh well... dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh... lalalalala... da dee doo da day!!! OMG... you're evil...
Okay... I am so flippin' happy... you should already know that... just wanted to say it again... -_-'
I'll type something worth while now... stare I am happy...
I don't know if you'll read this part or not but, I'll try and call sometime soon, probably today... or tomorrow... or both... lol...
Brittney Beloved TM · Sat Feb 10, 2007 @ 04:07pm · 12 Comments |