I is so tired... but happy...
*lowers head while typing*
I hope I don't screw any of this up... I'm actually trying to sleep and type at the same time...
Just to let you know... I sealed your letter... it is quite cramped and yes, I think I'll need another stamp... oh well... I just can't wait to send it... I also drew another picture that I'll send that in the next lope...
-_- z Z
My tongue hurts... I burned it on chili last night... crying
I hate you!!! YOU EVIL MAN!!! Giving me such clues... I can't wait... grrr... ruff ruff... domokun
I had a good day at school today... this guy let me borrow a pen to write down what Final Fantasy games I had and he started asking me about Final Fantasy VII... he asked me if I beat it, which of course, I did... and I told him I'd let him borrow my strategy guide... he said he's stuck on the second disk... I thought it was a piece of cake but I guess that's just me... rolleyes
I still have the pen he let me borrow... it's in my hair... wait... WHA??? IT'S IN MY HAIR!!! Didn't know that... oopsies... me forgot to give it back... oh well...
Hmmm... people at my school scare me... very mucho... 3nodding all the guys act creepy and the girls just are girly... weird...
I IS SO CRAZYFIED!!! crying WHAT THE HECK IS IT!?!?!?!?!?!? crying
God... it's gonna bug me until it's in my hands... cry
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Feb 08, 2007 @ 11:12pm · 16 Comments |