Good morning... yes... I'm staying home from school... I don't have a fever but I feel horrible... my mom said I could stay home... 3nodding
I'm actually quite happy cause I have to go with her... well I can if I want to... but I want to... because she's going to Lauren's house and they got a new dog... make that a new puppy... 4laugh
*few hours of silence*
I'm back... their puppy is so cute!!! It's a Pitbull but it's adorable and it has a tendancy to eat your body parts... lol... she was running around trying to eat my toes... stare hahahaha... they named her Skylar... 4laugh
I was on the stupid Elliptical for exactly 20 minutes... my legs are killing me... my dad and mom forced me to... crying and I think it made my headache worse... oh well... I'll live...
I ate a plate of food in about 3 minutes just a few minutes ago... my mom told me to eat before it got cold so I did... mrgreen
Brittney Beloved TM · Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 01:59pm · 7 Comments |