I'm happy... so very happy... if I get minutes for this phone... I can call you all the time... 4laugh YAY!!! Well... whenever you want me to... I don't wanna bug you too much... I'll feel annoying... sweatdrop
And I have YIM on my phone so I can Instant Message anytime I want!!! Once I get minutes... xp
Something that was said at school today made me smile... I was sitting with my two friends: Lyss and Courtney... we were talking about how each of us has a long distance relationship ((even though you're not THAT far away)) and how I talked to Lyss's boyfriend on YIM with my phone... I told her what he said and then I told her how I like him better when he's with her... I told her that it's so cute and it makes me smile... James is so depressed because he hasn't talked to her in so long... now he's happy that he's gonna be able to talk to her soon... with my help...
That's not what made me smile though... after I told her I thought her relationship was cute, she said she thinks my relationship with you is way cuter... ^-^
I'm so happy Jon!!! Thank you... heart 4laugh I guess I've changed since I met you and actually started talking to you... I'm actually acting better with my parents, I smile way more and I'm happy to go to school... *shivers* I can't believe I just said that... eek but it's true... you get me through my homework everyday... I get home and get straight to work just because I know I can talk to you soon... when I'm at school... I count down the hours until I get to go home... mrgreen
I wrote your name in Al Bhed on my hand today... in pink highlighter... it matched my socks... lmao... it's still there... even though it faded from washing them a few times...
Can't wait till tomorrow... I wanna talk to you so bad... and I should scold you... when I called you on my phone, I wasted the last few minutes I had left... hahahaha... now I can't use it until I buy more and I don't even know if I can keep it because my mom still has to talk to my dad about it... my mom would probably let me keep it but I don't know about my dad... he might, considering the fact that it was free... lol...
Oh yeah... the fact that you live only like 8 hours or so away made me super happy... I don't know why though... cause that's still far away... crying hahahaha... but it made me happier than I was before... I thought you lived farther away but you actually live closer than I thought... so happy is me...
HAHAHA... guess what!?!?!?!? I started Foreign Cultures today too... I am learning French!!! And I also have to learn Spanish and some other language... I don't know the third one... and the teacher's really nice... to me at least... the only teacher that holds a grudge against me is Mrs. Scheidt, my Language Arts teacher... she hates me and Lyss and I know because I do... she's never been fond of either of us... and I'm not too fond of her either...
Friday was my last day of Choir and now I'm in Discover!!! I have Topete for Discover which is my Foreign Cultures teacher...
Wow... I typed a lot... eek I've never had this much to type in one hour... WOW!!!
HEH HEH... I'm not done either... I still have homework to do but I'll do it in a few minutes... I only have a few more minutes on here anyway... then I'm gonna take a shower, clean my room and see if my mom'll talk to my dad about the phone... then I'll put the dishes away and do whatever I can to get money... mrgreen I is funny...
Hmmm... yeah... that's about it for today... love ya Jon... can't wait till tomorrow... give your best pillow punch to your sister for me... hahahaha...
Brittney Beloved TM · Mon Jan 22, 2007 @ 11:42pm · 9 Comments |