OMG!!! I had the best freakin' X-mas ever!!! 4laugh the only bad part was not getting to talk to Jon for like a week... crying I miss you so much Jonathan... I wish tomorrow would come already... I can't wait...
I got awesome stuff...
Awesome clothes, FFXII and the strategy guide, 2 CDs, really cute boots, bed sheets that are green ((fave color)) and some other random gifts that are for both me and my mom...
MY MOM GOT A BLACK iPod!!! gonk my dad's awesome... and she was so surprised... she even got headphones and a remote for it... stare but mine's better... I got an iHome... in her face... 4laugh and I got a case and a car charger... HAHAHAHA... I'm awesome... j/k...
I like my white iPod better though... so right now... there are 4 iPods in my house... mine, Lyss's, my mom's and dad's... my brother won't ever get one... and I know it... oh well... I really wanna spend my $25.00 from my grandma... but I forgot most stores are probably closed... crying
Oh well... time to go mess with my awesome presents...
Oh yeah... I also have to pack by Wednesday cause I'm going to Youth Convention with my aunt and cousins... it's gonna be awesome... and I get to show off my awesome clothes... but I will miss Jonathan... crying it's only 3 days though...
eek a CD just finished importing gotta check into that...
Brittney Beloved TM · Mon Dec 25, 2006 @ 04:32pm · 6 Comments |