I had a good time today... I spent the night at Lauren's house and we went to church at like 9:00 AM this morning... stare so tired...
It was an awesome service because so many people that I haven't seen in forever were there... 4laugh
I drove home with my mom and little brother and we changed and left to go to my family's houses in Valpo... we dropped some food off at my aunt's house and went to my Grandma's house for a while... I got some awesome presents there...
I got an iPod home thingy, some really comfy PJs, an iPod case, Skillet - Collide and some other stuff I don't remember... at my aunt's house it was really boring cause I didn't get anything... they only gave me $25.00... so I just listening to Lyss's iPod...
Now I'm really tired... and trying to get Skillet onto my iPod... and then tomorrow I get to put like 15 CDs on my iPod... stare
Until then...
Merry X-mas to Jonathan!!! You're b-day's coming up soon... 16... eek wow... hahahaha... I wish I could give you a hug... crying all I can do is hug the computer... I would... but you're not on... I WISH TUESDAY WOULD COME ALREADY!!! gonk
Well... love you Jonathan... heart miss you... I miss you so much... it's been so long for me... crying sorry about not being on for a whil...
Brittney Beloved TM · Mon Dec 25, 2006 @ 03:27am · 10 Comments |