I just got back from the dentist... the new one... first time going since I moved... the doctor's really nice and so are the other people... 3nodding
Anyway... I got two teeth pulled... baby teeth of course... leaving me with 5 more baby teeth... the bad thing about that is... I might not be able to lose one of those baby teeth... my right fang tooth... it's up really high and not only that... but it's horizontal... not good... I overheard my doctor and another one talking... the other doctor said something about putting a chain on it to pull it down... I would have to have three people working on my teeth... my dentist/doctor, the oral surgeon and another person...
I would need braces and I think my mom told me something about them having to move one of the bones up there to turn my tooth or something like that... but you don't know how scared I am right now... I don't know when this will happen but gah... *rolls eyes* it's so creepy...
HAHAHAHA... my teeth taste funny... or the area where they left me tastes funny... rofl
Oh yeah... in that same amount of time... right after they gave me anesthesia ((I think that's how you spell it))... I got my teeth cleaned... after that... I got those two teeth pulled... my lip feels like it's huge... it's funny... I'm gonna go and poke my lip with a fork... I'll be back soon...
WAIT... I'm not going yet... guess what else???!!! I'm home alone for a few hours... my mom let me stay home from school... she took my little brother to school and then she's going to help watch kids at a daycare in Griffith... YAY!!! I'm gonna go blast some A7X, Switchfoot and Flyleaf... and I shall do that while poking my lip with a fork...
BBS... ttyl...
I'm back... and it's been a few hours... my mom's still not home... she should be in the next hour or so... 3nodding
My lipe is back to normal... the area where my teeth were pulled still tastes funny... I attempted to make some Ramen... Chicken Ramen and it was very tastey... heh heh... I'm a HOTSAUCE-O-HOLIC... sweatdrop I know it sounds weird but I put hotsauce in my Chicken Ramen... it's SOOO good... to me at least... it doesn't have to be to you... I love hotsauce... I put it on my tacos, on my chips and even on cheese sandwitches that you make at home... 3nodding I put it in tuna... I PUT IT EVERYWHERE... I even eat it plain... is it just me or am I weird??? I don't think so... I hope you guys don't... mrgreen
Hmmm... I'm still afraid of that crazy tooth I have... just the very thought of me being put to sleep again scares me... crying
OMG... I love the song Whispers... you know... in my profile... I LOVE IT...
@ the new-aged Al Bhed's out there; Fa'na kuhhy nulg drec funmt!!! UR OAYR!!! E lyh'd fyed du pa ypma du vmiahdmo cbayg drec myhkiyka... syopa E'mm kad cu kuut dryd E'mm pa ypma du nayt eh ed... YHT cbayg eh ed... syopa E fuh'd ajah ryja du ica dra dnyhcmydun... syopa e'mm pa ypma du doba ed!!! LYH'D FYED!!!
@ Jonathan; crying I miss Fatty Jon Jon... but the good thing about me keeping his brother Francis is that he makes our house smell like tree!!! 4laugh
My mom just walked in the door... all I heard her say was "I GOTTA PEE!!!" HAHAHAHAHAHA... I just heard the toilet flush... eek and now she's yelling for me...
Brittney Beloved TM · Fri Dec 01, 2006 @ 04:30pm · 10 Comments |