I have a half-day tomorrow... and my mom is making me stay home tomorrow!!! I have a dentist appointment around 8:00 AM so she said there's no point in me going to school afterward... I'm so happy... today's like my Friday now!!! Even though Friday is when we're supposed to be watching a movie... I don't care... missing a movie is okay... 3nodding
At least I'm not bored right now... but I'm hungry... so I shall go eat some food...
*runs to the kitchen*
Mmmm... I had two little tacos... nummy... tastey... I'm not hungry anymore... I'm satisfied... 3nodding
I was also watching Code Lyoko with my brother too... mrgreen it's one of the older episodes...
We're going to buy a Christmas tree soon... I think it's gonna be hard because our house is small so we're gonna have to buy a smaller tree than usual... crying I like the big ones... WAAAHHH!!!
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Nov 30, 2006 @ 09:25pm · 6 Comments |