Okay... I had this dream that I was in Circuit City... I was with a lady... someone I didn't even know in the dream... but she was my guardian type person... I guess... we were buying the Pink Panther DVD... well... we went to leave and it was dark outside...
I was knocked out and I woke up in a car next to the lady... I looked in the front of the car to see who was driving... I don't know who the hell he is but he's been in some of my earlier dreams... he was driving and I climbed in the front seat for some reason... I looked outside of the car and there were cars going a little slow... considering there were those orange cones and signs all over the place... instead of slowing down... the guy stepped on the peddle... and he had this evil look in his eye... I screamed and put my seatbelt on... I kept on screaming after that...
We ended up in the drive-way of one of my old houses... a duplex... and I unbuckled my seatbelt... heart beating as fast as it ever has before... I opened the door and stepped out... he grabbed my arm and tried pulling me back in... but I bit him and ran out... I ran throughout the whole neighborhood trying to get rid of him...
Then I woke up... eek
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Oct 19, 2006 @ 11:23pm · 3 Comments |