All the entries in this journal are of no importance to the minds of the young and weak... if you are not Jonathan, I suggest you move the arrow away from these links... thank you...
RP time!!! ^-^'
Well... I know there's one going on in Jo's old journal... but I decided to start one here too... have fun!!! 4laugh
*stands out in the open, sun setting, wind blowing through her hair* wow... it's really quiet... I wonder if anyone's out there...
*runs around the corner with the keyblade*hi everyone big monster comeing*huge monster comes around the coner we all hide* "******** off you ******** gay" *monster hits brit we fight it for hours me and alex are trying to outshine eachother* "Alex:haha bet you" ALEX PLZ were only going to kill this thing if we both work together ok
ok ok matt... as much as i dont want tom and I am sorry i snaped, its just, I'm the jellious type, the REALLY jellious type, i know your a nice kid, i dislike anyone who wants to take jo away from me... so truse? oh and brit thanks for the hoodie clomplement or how ever its spelt
Disturbed Skater · Community Member · Sun Oct 15, 2006 @ 02:02am
hmmm... out shine, that sounds fun * gives me idea * LIGHTNING STRIKE *shoves a glowing dagger in the monster and the thing is set on frapay from the lightning, a huge light shines brightly * * high 5's matt * thanks man
Disturbed Skater · Community Member · Sun Oct 15, 2006 @ 02:04am
its fine *gives her the power of all magic* here cos everyone knows im the best at magic watch *Keyblades with different element fly around me I jump on on keyblade and use it as a skatebored*