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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Memorable Love Part 2
Eunhyuk and Donghae were downstairs, trying to convince his mother to allow them to spend a couple of days together. "So what are you going to do at night? Keep picking and dropping him off each day?" Donghae answered, "No. He's going to stay in my home. I have a two-bedroom apartment." the mother's eyes widened, and exclaimed, "Are you kidding me? How would I know whether or not you both are doing anything or not?" Both Eunhyuk and Donghae took a glance at each other, speechless that the mom would think that way. "No." the mother concluded, crossing her arms and nodding.

Eunhyuk, on the other hand, pouted and whined to his mom, "Please, mom. I really want to spend time with him." Donghae tried his hardest to keep from smiling big, real happy that Eunhyuk was acting all cutesy just for him. However, the mother didn't look too happy. "You better stop your whining. I told you not to do so. When I say no, it means no." "Please, Ms. Lee. I promise you that I will not do anything to Eunhyuk, and make sure that he doesn't do anything to me. I promise you. And besides, males can't--" "Alright, alright alright." the mother said, signaling Donghae to stop. "I'll give you guys one chance. If you don't satisfy me or HyukJae, I will not trust you ever again." the mother answered. "I will not disappoint you." Donghae answered happily. Eunhyuk looked back at Donghae and smiled big. After a couple of minutes of Eunhyuk packing his clothes and Donghae helping, they were ready to depart.

Just when they were prepared to leave, Eunhyuk's mom wanted to do one thing before he left. "Hyukah, be a good boy and take good care of yourself. Okay?" Eunhyuk nodded, but rolled his eyes when he turned his back towards his mother. "My mom tends to baby me." Eunhyuk whispered to Donghae. Suddenly, Donghae felt anger raise up, because it was his job to baby his love.

"Eunhyuk, first we're going to go to our- my house to drop your stuff off. Okay?" Eunhyuk nodded, and happily answered, "Okay." Donghae smiled, glad that he gets to relive the moment when they lived in the same house. He didn't think about the small amount of time they have together. He was just happy that he gets to spend some time with him. I got to enjoy it while I can, but will he enjoy it? Donghae thought. He turned his head, and saw Eunhyuk happily looking out the window of the passenger seat like a dog wanting to stick its head out. Donghae turned his direction back to the road, and smiled. He's going to enjoy it. he thought as he slowly stopped in his driveway of the home they used to share.

Eunhae entered the home and settled in. Donghae took Eunhyuk's bags and set them in Eunhyuk's old room. He looked around, so sad that Eunhyuk wasn't there with him everyday anymore. He saw the bed Eunhyuk used to sleep in, the desk he used to do his work on, and the bookshelves that used to be filled with books. Donghae did his best to keep himself from crying with a guest in the house. Donghae took in a deep breath and left to the living room where Eunhyuk was.

5 minutes ago...

Eunhyuk, as soon as he entered the house, he felt that the house looked real familiar. He thought the living room, kitchen, and everything else was seen before, but he just couldn't point out when he's been here, if he's been here. Maybe I should ask Donghae if I know this place. Eunhyuk thought, looking around for where Donghae went, until Donghae came out from the room he was in.

Eunhyuk turned towards Donghae and asked, "Donghae, why does this place look real familiar?" Donghae didn't respond real quickly. He didn't expect Eunhyuk to ask that question so soon. "Well..." Donghae paused, and sighed, "Eunhyuk," he signaled the other to the living room and to sit down on the couch. "I'm not going to lie to you. When you left Korea, you got into an accident and it affected you a lot." "But how come I can--" "The reason why you can't remember anything is because the impact from the accident was so strong, you forgot your memory." Eunhyuk tilted his head and asked, "How did you know I was here?" Donghae shuffled his feet, and answered, "I rode the plane with you, because you wanted to live in America for a while." Eunhyuk nodded, then asked, "How do you know me?" Donghae's heart ached again, but he did his best to not show in his facial emotion that he was hurt. "We were real close friends and we were basically in love." Eunhyuk smiled and tilted his head, then commented, "I can see why." Eunhyuk winked, making Donghae feel flurry inside.

Donghae smiled to Eunhyuk, and tilted his head, looking deeply into the other's eyes and cherishing each second. Eunhyuk was literally hypnotized. He felt numb all over and he felt as if both him and Donghae were in some fantasy world where the reality world didn't matter or exist anymore. It was just him and Donghae, and that's all that mattered.

"Eunhyuk, I am really glad that you are here to spend time with me." Donghae said, cooking dinner for both of them. Eunhyuk smiled to Donghae cooking in front of the stove. Eunhyuk walked to Donghae, and stood next to him, facing the other cooking food that has a great scent that makes Eunhyuk's mouth water. "I'm glad to be here, Donghae." Donghae smiled, as he looked down at the pot and stirred with the spoon in his hand. "Donghae?" "Hmmm?" "What did you like about me?" Donghae sighed, finally glad to answer a question that Eunhyuk asked. "I liked your personality, looks, and the way you talk. And I still love it all." Eunhyuk smiled and asked, "You do?" Donghae nodded, too shy to lift his head up from looking at the pot. Eunhyuk pursed his lips to the side, and went to the living room, waiting for dinner.

He sat down on the couch, and started thinking about Donghae and his memory. Eunhyuk sighed, and looked back at the kitchen, where Donghae was cooking delicious food. He started to think that Donghae did look familiar, and everytime he saw Donghae, he had this feeling that he couldn't describe. It was truely love, but something else too. It was slightly like that feeling when you see a food dish, and you can taste the food without even eating it, but how can you taste a human? He wondered once again as to why he gets that feeling whenever he's around Donghae. He looked back again to where the kitchen is at and where Donghae was at. Eunhyuk couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe his thoughts. He was starting to fall in love with Donghae all over again. @

TBC heart

Note: Bad hanger, right? You know what? Hanger are just not my thing. ROFL xDDD I hope you come back for part 3. But here's the problem, I really don't know the end for this story... ^^;;

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