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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Heechul's English Lesson Part 5
Hello... [sniffle] I wasn't crying!! I am just having a little [sniffle] allergies today. See? Achoo!!!


[sigh] Alright. You caught me. I guess I'm a little upset that Kibum wasn't here today. He said that he had some filming schedule to do so he couldn't teach me. Instead Siwon taught me. Well, there's nothing wrong with that. It just seemed a bit different not having Kibum as my tutor. I mean, there was nothing wrong with Siwon teaching me for a day or two, but sometimes I wished for Kibum's friendliness and patience (even if Siwon has the same thing.)

Well, I did all I can to make sure things didn't go too awkward between me and Siwon and me. I guess he didn't notice, because he didn't complain. Maybe he didn't want to complain, but who knows? Siwon's just as mysterious and weird as Kibum. But However, I couldn't help but notice that Siwon looked quite handsome in glasses.

But Kibum looked cute in glasses.

Ai, Heechul! Why are you thinking so much about Kibum? He's going to be back soon any--- AHHHH!!!! He's going to be here soon!!! [looks around and then looks down] I'm still in my sleeping close clode clothes! Please wait a while; I need to get dressed!!


Back! I found some clothing that I found in Kangin's closet that I thought looked real cool, so I gave them a try. They're a bit big, though. I wish Kangin wasn't so big. Speaking of which... [looks back] Kangin? What are you doing here?

"Oh, just here to see what you're up to. [gasp] You think I'm big?!?!"

Well!! I meant that you were broad-shouldered and big-muscled. I didn't mean literally BIG.

"Ah, okay. So what are you up to? Talking more about how adorable Kibum looks in his black nerdy glasses?"

No!! No I'm not! Why would I talk about my own-- [laughs nervously]

"Well, your face turns red whenever I mention his name, and you actually seem to ENJOY learning. Hah, which sooooo isn't you!"

[-_-] For your information, I enjoy learning VERY much!!

"Yeah, sure. I'll believe that when pigs could fly."

You know what? Just get out of here. You have no right to be here. And besides, you didn't even knock on the door!

"Well, you don't mind if Kibum doesn't knock on the door."

It's because this is his room too!

"No, you share a room with Hankyung, remember?"

...... You know what? Just get out here. [-_-;;]

"Whatever. Kibum's coming anyway. Better give you some alone time."

GET OOOOOOUT!!!!!!!!!!

"Alright alright!!! Hey, aren't those my clothes??? YOU WENT THROUGH MY CLOSET?!?!?!"

.... (whoops?) @

TBC~ heart

Note: Yeah.. this entry is a bit... unnatural and random, but it shows how Heechul truely feels about Kibum and how Kangin treats him and what he thinks about Heechul and Kibum. xDDD So I guess it gives a little bit of information as to what happened. But towards the end. Hahaha, that's funny. xDD ... Hey, aren't those my clothes??? ROFL, I can't get over that... xDD

Please post your most amazing comments so I can move on with no doubt!!! <3

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Nov 17, 2008 @ 05:39am
Is Heechul falling for Siwon?! eek
I can't wait to keep reading to figure out. biggrin
I laughed at the argument Heechul and Kangin had. lol.
Can't wait to read the next part. whee

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