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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Heechul's English Lesson 5.1
Hello everyone! I'd like to introduce our very own: Kim Kibum!!!

Aww, come on, don't be shy. I know you don't talk a lot, but you have got to get used to the people asking for you to talk, whether you want to or not.

"Alright. Hello everyone, my name is Kibum. Pleasure to be here (not)."

Hey! Show some respect. Some people could be reading this, you know... I mean, think of the fans! What if they were reading this right now? Then your image will go down! Wait, on second thought, keep being mean (hopefully, if he looses image, I'm going to be the most favored member in Super Junior!)

"Yeah, I don't think so, Chullie hyung."

Darnit. There's nothing I can hide in here! Well, except one thing...

"And what's that?"

Oh, nothing. Nothing important, Kibummah. Say, tell them about the stuff you were teaching me in English classes.

"Not much. Just basic language and grammar."

Aww, come on! You talk all the time when you are teaching me! Why are you suddenly a different person? ARE YOU BIPOLAR????

"No, Heechul. I am not bipolar. I am even amazed you know that word. I just don't want to talk a lot, that's all."

But you talk a lot all the time in the SuJu house! Why act different around the camera AND in journal entries? You don't want to talk to your fellow E.L.F. members?

"I do! But we aren't literally talking to them. They are just reading what our thoughts and memories are."

[gasp] You just used "but" in the beginning of a sentence! And you told me not to do it! [gasp] Hipocryte!

"Heechul, it's 'hypocrite'."

Well, you would know: HYPOCRITE!!!!

"[sigh] Heechul, I really don't think you know what 'hypocrite' really is."

Yes I do! I know what a lot of words mean! Like words mean... words!! And actions are stuff that you do. And... We are, Super JuniOR!!

"Yeah... You know a LOOOOOT of words, hyung."

Hey, no need to use carkasim sarcasm towards me!

"Well, sorry hyung. I can't help it. Your English is way too adorable."

Hey! Don't call your hyung adorable! You are a lot more adorable than me.


"Hyung? You know you just complimented me?"

.... I did? seriously?

"Yeeeeeeeeah. Just now."

Uhh... No I didn't?

"Yes, you did. And I quote, 'You are a lot more adorable than me'"

Did I really say that?

"Naw, the computer ghost said it."

Who? Who's that? Is it a rabid fangirl? AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! [runs around in circles]

"[glares] And you tell me to be nice to our fans."

what now? @

TBC~ heart

Note: yeah... You may STILL think this entry is random, but trust me. It's leading somewhere. Especially after the complimenting thingy. This shows the relationship between Heechul and Kibum. ^^ And now, since I have nothing better to do...

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Heeeeeeeebummiie wishies yooooou Mewwwwwwy Chwisssssstmass!!! Meeeyoww~~ *wink wink* xDDD

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