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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Heechul's English Lesson Part 2
Here I am again!! Hahaha, well, a couple days past and I still didn't tell Kibum about him "helping" me. I want him to help so bad! I need help! Seriously... But I'm a bit nervous about how he'd respond. I mean, you all know Kibum. He's just, weird. He hardly talks, and he hardly smiles nowadays. The only time we see him smile is when he's watching a comedy movie or something. He's quiet wherever we go! Can you believe it? Ah, what the heck. I'm just going to ask him anyway. Whether he wants it or not! Yeah! Wait, after I see Hankyung real quick...

I am back! Clap clap, yay~ Anyway, I'm going to go ask Han-- I mean, Kibum now. Riiiight now. Aaaaany moment now.


Not very easy once you think about it... Hey, work with me here... It's not easy asking a quiet maknae to help an elderly hyung like me. [sigh] Onward!

"Hey Kibum?" I asked him. He just paused his movie and sighed. He looked back and responded, "What is it hyung?" [gasp] is he actually... annoyed with me?? How dare him! BRING IT ON!!!

"Would you mind tu--tea--[ahem] HELP me learn English please?" Kibum tilt his head, and asked back, "You mean teach you?" Drats, I hate that word. I never liked learning, and when he said, "teach", it just made me lose my interest in learning English. Ah, but it wasn't that bad. At least it wasn't someone older than me, right? Then I would have been, "Never mind!" [laughs out loud] I just nodded, and waited for a response from him. He started looking up to the ceiling. I couldn't help but feel a biiiiiig smile on my face. It was [spreads out arms] THIIIIIIIIIIIS BIG!! [laughs] But seriously, who can't help but stare at the cute little Kibummie? I know I can't!

He finally answered yes, and I can't help but whisper a soft, "Yes" at the response. Too awesome, too awesome!

All my beautiful and pretty ELF members, guess what?


Well.... that was a bit awkward. I shall be pretty no more! I am now handsome prince! Wait, no, that's Kibum. My bad... ^^;; No, all Super Junior members are gorgeous. YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS!!!!

...... Now what? Seriously, what do I do now? I said all I needed to say, didn't I? I asked Kibum, he said yes and-- oh yeah!!!

Suddenly, Ryeowook came in, and I guess he was sorta eavesdropping, because he shouted, "Kangin hyung! Heechul asked Kibum out!" Well, that seemed uncalled for. I guess he sort of got the wrong message. CLEARLY! Now, what happened next? Well, Mr. Kim came in, all buff and muscular (as always), and asked, "What's going on?"

Obviously, me and Kibum had to take one look at each other. I mean, seriously. How often is it that a younger maknae gets the wrong message between two people then tattles onto someone else? I mean, who does that anymore?! Apparently Wookie... So, did I want to tell Kangin the truth? Nope. But I guess Mr. Blabbermouth (Kibum and Wookie) had to tell Kangin two differen't stories, and Kangin needed me to clarify.

Gee, thanks Bummie and Wook. That REALLY helps me out. [-_-] Honestly, how can I not see this coming? Ryeowookie, being the eternal maknae, has to make sure the elder hyungs (especially Eeteuk who wasn't available at this time) keep track of every single thing that goes on in the SuJu house. I'm one of those elders. But I guess Ryeowook hasn't caught on JUST yet.

Great, a long day to come. [=_=]

The Beautiful and Handsome,

Heechul heart

Note: Helllo~~ Sorry it took me a looooong time to make Part 2. I've been filming fandubs lately so.... Yeah... xDDD Sorry!!!


I really have not much to say now... I'm going to go eat beef jerky!!!! WHOOOO!!! See you in part 3!!!! *zoooooooooom!*

User Comments: [1] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Oct 25, 2008 @ 11:11pm
I love how it was Heechul that told the story.
It made it seem like it was from a real novel and such. biggrin
And I loved the part where Wookie told on them. lmao.
Can't wait to read part 3. whee

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