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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Huh? What's going on?
Hello. We interrupt your regularly scheduled fanfic program to give you this newsflash:

The Super Junior Shapeshifters are here!

Now here is Siwon with the news...

Hello one and all! We interrupted your fanfic for an IMPORTANT announcement. We're sorry for the delay, but this can not be forgotten, thus we shall post it now here! (Even if it means to come to the middle of a fan-fiction story).

The SuJu Shapeshifters have been caught in the wooden fields and they are currently wanted from Korea's Most Wanted. They say the leader of the group, Eeteuk, has some friends who joined together to form the Shapeshifting group. They have been known to have a history of threatening others who they've been watching, and forces them to act good for peace on Earth.

One student to the experience says, "It's totally scary, trust me. Just the thought of the memory makes me shiver! I was just in school, doing my work and all, and then the teacher gets a call from the office, saying that I was checking out. My parents said nothing about me having any appointments, so it was a bit shocking for me. I went to the office, and I saw my 'mom'. She then drove me to the woods next to an old gas station, and told me to go follow the path through the woods. So I did. I then saw a Grim Reaper lookalike who told me to be good. Then he cut me on the cheek, saying that the cut will disappear when I show a change of behavior. So I did change my behavior. The next day, my cut was gone."

The story sounds highly unlikely. 9 out of 10 parents say that the Shapeshifters are just myths and do not exist. Was it actually the child's mom who picked him up? Or was it another Shapeshifter doing his job for the boss? Will we ever get the Shapeshifters and charge them for the problems they've caused?

Wait, why am I asking you all these questions?

It's your choice, viewers. You may choose to believe the Shapeshifter "myth", or not. But you never know when someone asks to check you out and you need to go pay a visit to someone in the woods...

This is Choi Siwon with the news. Back to you, Donghae! @

Note: Yeah I know, this isn't part of the story... but I had to post it! I might have forgotten it! This is going to be a fanfic idea that I will use at the end of Heechul's English Lesson. It's sort of different and twisted, just what I need. xDD I had a dream last night that I was in the leader's shoes, and I was changing stuff right and wrong, so I wanted to make a fanfic of that! Now, back to your daily scheduled program! xDDD

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