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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Kyumin: Song For You Part 1
Kyuhyun was sitting in class, looking down at his notebook, to write a song that he was planning to write for this year's high school show. He was thinking for a very smooth, but catchy song, but the lyrics didn't come to his head like they normally did. The rhythm was there, but he just needed the words that suits the song. Just when he was thinking about what he may want, the school bell rang, ruining his thoughts, and he set the notebook aside for later.

"Alright students, take your seats. I would like to introduce someone new to our class today. Hope you can greet him with respect and smiling faces. Come on in." When the teacher signaled the student to enter the classroom, the student entered and stood in front of the class. "Please introduce yourself." the teacher said, facing the student. He bowed, and said in a very gentle voice, "Hello. My name is Sungmin. I hope we can become good friends and get along well this year." he bowed again, and took his new seat, next to the window and Kyuhyun. When he looked up, and saw Sungmin sitting next to him, he was speechless. With the Summer sun rays shining on him, it was breathtaking. He felt his heart beating 100 times faster, and his face turn flushed red.

Sungmin felt as if he was watched during class, and he was. He looked over, and saw the cutely dazed Kyuhyun looking towards him. Sungmin smiled, but left immediately after the bell rang to dismiss homeroom. The person left in the classroom was Kyuhyun and another boy. He tapped Kyuhyun's back, saying, "It's cute how you were dazing towards the new kid." Kyuhyun looked back, "What? Wookie hyung, do you REALLY think I like him?" he laughed nervously, and gathered his things and left the classroom. Ryeowook, who was watching the nervous Kyuhyun leave, shook his head. "Can't you see anything that's in front of you?" Ryeowook sighed, grabbing his bag straps and leaving the classroom.

Kyuhyun was tapping his pencil on his chin, trying to recap the lyrics that were in his mind earlier this morning. He kept thinking harder and harder, but someone else ruined his thoughts. "Hey, don't think too hard, you're going to need some brain later on." Shindong said, sitting down on the seat next to Kyuhyun, eating cup ramyun. "Do you want some?" Shindong handed him the cup. Kyuhyun pushed it back, "No thanks. I'm not hungry." Shindong looked down at the cup, and ate another chopstick-filled of noodles and smiled big. "Why aren't you eating? Did you figure out any lyrics for your song yet?" Kyuhyun shook his head. "Maybe eating will help! It never failed me." Shindong shrugged, and took another bite of his ramyun noodles. Kyuhyun threw one look at Shindong, and said, "I'll see you later." he gathered his things and left the table. "Are you sure you don't want another bite?" Shindong called out.

When Kyuhyun was walking around, he saw Sungmin sitting alone in a table, playing with the wooden designs on the table in front of him. Kyuhyun's grip on his notebook got tighter and his heart started beating faster all over again. He approached the table the other was in, and asked, "Are you okay?" Sungmin looked up, and nodded quietly. "Is it okay if, well, I sat here?" he asked. Sungmin pursed his lips and nodded. Kyuhyun looked into Sungmin's eyes, very deeply, "How come you're alone?" Sungmin shrugged, then finally spoke, "I guess people here think I'm from some different planet." Kyuhyun shook his head, "I don't think so." Sungmin smiled to Kyuhyun, "I know that now." @

TBC~ heart

Note: Yeah, unexpected that it'll start this soon, huh? Hehehehe ^^ I guess I didn't really expect it either, but *shrugs* I'm sorry if it's a bit rushed, I guess I'm a little angry about what I read in this one article about SM Entertainment (don't worry, no hating involved. ^^;; ) Comments are always loved~ <3

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Sep 26, 2008 @ 01:09am
I like the beginning. biggrin
I really like the part where Kyuhyun was just staring at Sungmin, so cute! whee
And Ryeowook, ahahah.
Shindong was trying to help him out. lmao.
And poor Sungmin, everyone thinks that he is from a different planet. crying
Can't wait to read what happens to Kyuhyun. biggrin

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