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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Kyumin: Song For You Part 2
Ryeowook, who was talking with another student, saw Kyuhyun and Sungmin talking to each other nearby. His hands turned into fists and his teeth clenched together. But he couldn't help but notice that they both look real happy together. "Wah~ I wish I was like that, if only if I had the courage to be that close to him..." Ryeowook whispered. Suddenly, he felt a hand slide to his shoulder, and a voice that asked, "Ryeowookie, when are you going to tell him?" Ryeowook looked back, and saw Shindong watching Kyuhyun and Sungmin communicate. "I don't know. I wish I knew, so I can tell him as soon as possible." Ryeowook sighed. "You have to tell him sooner or later. What if Sungmin likes him too? Then what are you going to do?" Ryeowook shook his head, and saw the new Sungmin grinning big; he couldn't help but think that Sungmin is very adorable and ANYONE can fall for him. "I'm gonna fight for him."

"Kyuhyun, why weren't you in my life sooner?" Sungmin asked, automatically making Kyuhyun smile big and shrug innocently. "You are so amazing. I am so glad you came here to sit with me." Sungmin smiled. Obviously, Kyuhyun never felt so happy in his life. He did wish that he met Sungmin sooner, then he can be even closer to him, and can probably help him with his song he's struggling with. Speaking of which... "Hey, Sungmin, are you good at writing songs?" "Huh?" "You know, rhyming and writing lyrics?" Sungmin shrugged, "I don't know. I haven't tried it before, but I can give it a shot. Why do you ask?" Kyuhyun sighed, "Well, here's the thing, there is this song I'm working on, and I'm having big troubles with it, and I was wondering if you can help a little." Sungmin smiled, "Sure, why not." Kyuhyun rosed his brows and asked shockingly, "Really? Are you serious?" Sungmin nodded, and saw the other smile back happily.

After school...

"See you in school tomorrow." Kyuhyun said nervously, playing with his fingers nervously. "Yeah, I will be here." Sungmin replied, but immediately got frustrated when a car was beeping at him. "I'm coming!" he sighed and shook her head. "My parents are, a little impatient." Kyuhyun nodded, "It's fine. I totally understand." Sungmin looked down momentarily and back up to Kyuhyun, specifically his eyes. Hey, don't blame me, there was nowhere else to look! he thought to himself. Unexpectedly, Sungmin rose his right hand for a 'high five', but when Kyuhyun gave him a high five, Sungmin closed his grip gently, holding Kyuhyun's warm hand. "I will see you tomorrow." Sungmin said, releasing his hand and quickly jogging to the car (which didn't stop honking for the last few minutes). Kyuhyun, basically being the happiest student in the whole school, turned red and a smile never left his face for the rest of the day...

Ryeowook was watching Kyuhyun on the bus, and he sighed after seeing Sungmin holding Kyuhyun's hand. He leaned his head on the window, and looked down, disappointed. "I wish I was you, Sungmin. You don't know how lucky you are." he whispered. "Ryeowook, you can't keep on with this. You have to tell him sooner or later." Ryeowook turned his head, and saw Shindong sitting next to him. "But if I tell him, and he doesn't feel the same way I do, I will be feeling worse than now." Shindong patted Ryeowook's back. "However, it'll get the situation off your chest. But hey, it's your choice." Shindong stood up, and went back to his assigned bus seat. Ryeowook sighed, making part of the window fog up, and started thinking. Maybe Shindong's right... @

TBC~ heart

Note: Yeah, this story is everywhere, isn't it? *pleads* I'm sorry!!! I didn't mean to! I was multitasking!! ^^;; I'm a horrible multi-tasker. Next time, I will make sure that I will work on this story in silence. Speaking of which, tomorrow, I am going to Alabama to visit my stepdad's relatives, so if I skip a day or two, please don't mind it. ^^ But I SHOULD manage to work on my story because my dad is bringing his laptop with, so... Please leave your comments~ Good or bad, I will enjoy them all <3 Alright, before I get an angry mob after me, I shall post some adorable pictures of the foreverly loved: Kyumin~

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What a happy Kyuhyun. xD

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Couple smirk time!! Which one is your favorite? (Sorry Kyu fans, but I prefer Sungmin's... ^^;; Don't hurt me!!)

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Very loveable~

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Hyunnie oppa, are you that desperate? xD

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ZOMG.... *nosebleed*

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Hey, I guess Kyuhyun's not the only one who is desperate. xD

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Yes everyone, Kyumin IS real. Their love is forever and ever and ever and... <3

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Sep 27, 2008 @ 12:05am
I love the pictures you put up. biggrin
I really like KyuHyun's hair in the picture where Sungmin is holding a microphone.
And poor Ryeowook can't go up and confess, but I understand where he is coming from. I would be heart broken to figure out that the guy I liked didn't feel the same way...
Can't wait to read the next part. whee

PS: I hope you have fun in Alabama. blaugh

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