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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Whooooo!!! *runs around in major circles, then sits back down in front of computer* Got another story update! Alright, this time, I'm gonna add some Kyumin and Eunhae ^^ kekekeke~ I was listening to the song, "Song For You" on my profile, and I started thinking about a story plot that I may want. And I came up with two options:

1. Eunhae's Super Titanic: Alright. I am a SJ Full House obsession, okay? LOL so I should get that off my chest before people start asking, "Isn't this from Full House?" LOL Anyway, it's about Eunhyuk's dream after watching Titanic and starts seeing Donghae COMPLETELY in a different way...

2. Kyumin's Song For You: Okay, they're in high school. ^^ Kyuhyun experiences love at first sight to Sungmin. Kyuhyun does all he can to impress him, but none of the ideas doesn't seem to work! So, he decided to make a song called, "Song For You (Sungmin's Version)" and he sings it in front of the WHOLE school, just for Sungmin! (Awwww!!! <3)

Alrighty, those are my two ideas. And because I can't choose between them two, you, yes the readers, have the choice to vote! So please, the story plot is in YOUR hands ^^ Comment and I shall see your choice! <3


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 24, 2008 @ 02:02am
We have sort of had a Eunhae story already, so can you do the Kyumin one?
Then when you finish, maybe you can do the Eunhae one. whee

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