Well, now I have lost 56 pounds! Not that I recommend a diabetes diagnosis as a weight loss incentive, it has worked for me. Some days are easier than others. There are no "off limits" foods for me. It is kind of amazing but since I decided not to deprive myself, I've discovered that I just don't WANT what I used to want. Also, if I do end up eating sweets, it's now just one of them, not gorging myself on them. I am satisfied with a serving of pudding/ice cream/whatever. I've even gotten to eating only half a candy bar. Sometimes it's just a taste of something that I want and then I'm okay. I've noticed that some or most of my "skinny" friends do that too. They can buy an order of fries and not eat them all (usually it's a small order too!). They don't stand at the potato chip bowl at parties. In fact, they usually only visit the refreshment table once. Then they're done!! It's something I never thought I'd be able to do and now I can. Very exciting!!
To all who wish to lose weight, my hope is that you do. Even though I am lighter now, I am nowhere near the weight I should be. It is going to take a while, but I'm ready for the challenge. Wish me luck!
mavenofmystery · Fri Apr 25, 2008 @ 11:59am · 0 Comments |