I'm going to a Christmas party at my mental health clinic tomorrow. I was bringing my girl and my son, but he has to work tomorrow. He was going to call in sick to work but he's been out sick too much the past couple of weeks. He got poison oak on the job. He's on modified duty, I think. Anyway I know that it is spreading (poison oak) and I told him to go to work and have them take him to the doctor tomorrow. They have been getting him treated under worker's comp. My oldest son's girlfriend, Gwen, said that she could go in my son's place to tomorrow's party. Yay!! cheese_whine
My folks are not doing too well either. My dad is in the hospital with a minor heart attack and pneumonia. Dad fell on mom when he passed out. She is hurting from the fall. I've been calling and calling them but just getting the answering machine and voice mail. It's hard because they live all the way in Maryland and I can't get to them in a moment's notice if I needed to. Frustrating. So happy, crappy holidays! It really doesn't feel like Christmas. Bah! Humbug!!
mavenofmystery · Wed Dec 19, 2007 @ 05:17am · 0 Comments |