It has been a difficult week. Several times out on the road, we had some near collisions. It seems that the closer the holiday comes, the more reckless drivers become. Being one who is susceptible to panic attacks, it is hardly fun anticipating a night out of our apartment. We have to go out tonight because our son has (at the last minute, AGAIN) asked us to be his back-up ride if they miss the last light rail in Folsom. It would not be so bad if he'd at least acknowledge that it is not only our gas that is put out. It is our time, wear and tear on the van, dealing with anxiety and stress, etc. When we used to use his vehicle, we coordinated the time (usually before or after his shift at work). We didn't have him twiddling his thumbs waiting for us (he would spend the day/night at our place, watching cable or using our internet). He even didn't want for food, we provided that as well. I know that he thinks by giving us gas money that covers everything, but it doesn't and I am fighting (and losing) a battle with resentment over it. xd
I found out yesterday that my dad is in the ICU. He has pneumonia pretty severe and Thursday had a minor heart attack. There is no damage to his heart, thank goodness. Doctor says he'll be in hospital around 5 days. I've got to call my sister to get an update. I hope everything will be all right.
mavenofmystery · Sun Dec 16, 2007 @ 12:52am · 0 Comments |