We had the family over again for dinner to celebrate another holiday. My mother-in-law is down in Fremont visiting her sister and family. We had our oldest son and his girlfriend, our youngest son, our nephew, his girlfriend and another friend of his. I discovered that that is just way too many people for me to handle. I spent most of the evening in my bedroom. I was on the computer primarily. It got a little hairy at one point when nephew got his underwear in a bunch. He left for about 15 minutes and then came back. One of the dumbest things about that was he left his girlfriend (who doesn't know us) here. She thought he was acting stupid. Smart girl. So we've decided to limit the amount of guests we have at one time. Merry Christmas!!!
mavenofmystery · Tue Dec 25, 2007 @ 02:26am · 0 Comments |