Damn! It's been a while since I've made a journal entry. I am doing much better. We have moved to another apartment. We no longer live above our manager...whew! She was a sort of shrew. I felt so oppressed there. We could barely move around in our apartment without threat of 3 day notice. The times we had family over, we got one. Granted it did get rowdy, but hey! What ever happened to talking to someone before you take it to the limit? It really doesn't matter now. We are in a better complex.
Our apartment is a two bedroom unit with an enclosed patio. The bedrooms are separated in the apartment so we're not sharing a wall. Yay!! Matthew is moving in with us so that we'll qualify for affordable housing. He needs to anyway cuz he's back to looking for work. This way we can help each other. That's pretty cool.
Trying to get my blood sugar under control. I've radically changed my diet. Since I learned about being diabetic, I take nutrition seriously. I thought before that I was actually eating all right. I wasn't. Now I eat smaller meals more often (probably about 5 or 6 a day) and I pay attention to ingredients and carbs and stuff. My smaller meals are more balanced since I discovered I needed carbs. I was depriving my body of a source of energy. Since my diagnosis I have lost over 22 pounds. I only weigh in when I see the doctor. I have to make a new appointment. Last saw my doctor January 3rd. He wanted to see me in three months and they did not schedule that far in advance. When I saw the doctor, I had lost 22 pounds. I can tell from my clothes that I weigh less now. I used to have to keep my clothes out of the dryer and stretch them so that I could wear them properly. Now I can dry all my clothes and they fit loosely. Yay!!
There's more, but I am tired of typing. Will add another entry later. Bye!!
mavenofmystery · Wed Feb 13, 2008 @ 05:56pm · 0 Comments |