Yesterday I was on a thread and the owner was in trouble. She needed help and I had some experience with what she was going through. It took over a half an hour to put my thoughts together and get it all typed out. I was previewing it and it looked good so I hit submit. Well, well that was an excellent time to lose server. I hit back and got to my submission and then again hit submit. Once again I lost it. So I copied and pasted it onto a word document because we were leaving our sons’ apartment. I thought that I would submit it when I got home. By the time I got home, I’d forgotten what the name of the thread was. I searched and searched for it. I forgot the name of the thread’s owner and so I searched by topic. No good. Nada. Nothing. I was so disappointed especially because she was getting frustrated with the responses she was getting. I know that folks are trying to help, but when you are having depressed feelings, saying things like cheer up, it’ll get better really doesn’t help.
So that was frustrating. I am once again over my sons’ apartment we are trying to help them get organized and cleaned up. I’m hoping that this effort will stick with them. There are five people living here and they all need to make the effort. I’m glad tomorrow is Sunday, we’ll get to sleep in some (I hope).
mavenofmystery · Sun Dec 09, 2007 @ 06:58am · 0 Comments |