Hello~! Wow break is almost over! *overreacting* Hm, I'm not going to do anything interesting this week. IT'LL BE A TOTAL WASTE OF BREAK! Oh well.
I saw a LXMisa video, and they had my LXMisa picture in it! I was so happy! I wonder if other videos have my pictures in it... *ponders*
Can you comment your birthday here please? I couldn't remember all of your birthdays when I was writing down birthdays in my Tsubasa calander. I have Nyanko, Miyu, Nana, Mai, and Karin's b-days. I just need everyone elses! Help please? ;;;
If you guys want to see the birthday pic I drew for Nana-chan again... Click here: http://kawaiibunnychan.deviantart.com/art/OC-s-On-the-Playground-73685271 Comment...please?
Do you guys want to know my New Year's Resolution? .::I will try not to be sad around my friends ever again. I will do the best in my life to make my Daddy proud::. I came up with it today! XD I wasn't excited for the New Year's so for some reason I didn't feel the need to make a resolution. But I guess it's good to have a goal.
So yesterday was fun, wasn't it? I was working on coloring the picture yesterday and the day before so I didn't join in the RP with Nyanko, Nana, Miyu, and Onigiri-chan. Gomen~! Nya-chan came to pick me up when I was still coloring the pic. But lucky me, I got it finished in time! XD
Zetsu and Kisame were on the walls. Very odd.
My first name was Sakura. For some reason he wouldn't let me use Saku-chan. I said, "Saku-chan! S-A-K-U dash C-H-A-N!" "What does that mean?" "It doesn't really mean anything...*shifty eyes*" "Pick a different name." "Okay then, Sakura! S-A-K-U-R-A!" "What does that mean?" "Cherry Blossom!" Pervy Sage - "In japanese!" Then he finally accepted it. Did he think I was using a bad word in a different language? Probably.
It was akward saying the rules. I liked the rule that said, "No touching other players" Or something like that. It made me laugh. XD
I was having problems putting on my gear. I put it on backwards the first time, I was like, "Where's my gun?" Then Mai-chan told me it was backwards...o_o
Then we were in a group, Mai, Nya, and I were in a group. I had no idea where Pervy Sage was. I know that Miyu and Nana were in a group. Karin and Reiko were in a group.
It was fun shooting people.
That round I won as 4th place! XD
The second time we played, we were in teams. The green and the red team. I was in the green with Reiko, Mai, and Nana. While the others were on the Red.
In the middle of shooting, I got lost from everyone....D= I then climbed to the top of one of those "pirate ships". I was scared without being anyone, and I was about to scream Deidara!!! Really loud...but I didn't. I didn't want any of the red people to come up and shoot me...;; When I was there someone was running up and when I saw him I screamed REALLY loud. He went, "What the ********! You scared the crap out of me!" "Sorry...*runs down*"
Then I ran into Mai and we both screamed...I think. "I was looking for you everywhere! I was going to scream Deidara! But I didn't...XD"
Then we ran into Miyu, Pervy Sage, and Nya! They were all shooting us! But we shot back! I shot Miyu then she got angry and grabbed me trying to shoot me... But I shot her again...o_O Then I ran away.
When it was over, the Red team won. I was angry...>_< But we did our best. I won as 5th place on my team. Reiko was one above me and Mai was one below me.
Then we all ate pizza and cake. The pizza AND cake were really good! But I honestly liked the pizza better... sweatdrop
Then she opened presents~! I hope you liked the picture Nana-chan! I worked hard, but I rushed. It prolly sucks lots.
Then we all played arcade games! Pervy Sage was nice enough to give us money. He was talking about how "generous" he is...o_o I played that hockey thing with Pervy Sage, and I won! HAH Beat that!
Then I went against Nya, and I won! HAH Beat that! ((I'm sorry I hurt your pinky...I should jump off a cliff... crying )) Then Pervy Sage came in and beat me. Which means he's going to get a huge beating when I see him again.
Then we left, and my mom went to buy pizza for Andrew. When she came back and opened the door, the alarm went off! The alarm wouldn't turn off, and we had to get help from the Store people. When she started the engine the third time, it turned off. Then she went to buy me nail polish remover, and it went off again! It went off 5 times the way home.
Hmmz...That's all I have to say!!! I think...Byebye~! I love you all! *hugglation*
