*spins* I wish I could go to your New Year's Party Sasori-dana! My mom said no because she said that christians shouldn't be with other non christians... *sigh* I don't want to explain the whole thing again.
Anyways, I went to the mall with Nyanko, TenTen, Deidara, and Itachi today~! Because TenTen/Deidara/Itachi's mom is so nice! We went to Suncoast and I bought, .::Naruto volume 23::. .::Naruto Collector's Winter Addition::. They haves lotsa anime stuffz there, and I saw an awesome shirt! It was black with Gaara, Neji, Lee, Kiba, Choji, and Naruto on it! It said something awesome that I can't remember.
We headed down to the Hot Topic store! Nyanko bought a Legend of Zelda sweater that's green! I thought it looked akward, but after looking at it for a while it looks okay~! XD There was a L shirt! I really REALLY wanted to get it! But it was $20!!! $20 for a stupid shirt! What a rip off. So I didn't buy it. There is a big column of underwear...it was very odd. But the cute shtuff they had made me giggle nervously! heart
Then we went to the Candy Shop and TenTen/Deidara/Itachi's mom bought lollipops for us! ((I thought it was odd for a really dark store like Hot Topic to be next to a sweet and colorful candy shop...)) We got these round lollipops that are really big! When you get used to the lollipop your mouth can actually form around it! Or maybe my mouth is really small? o_o I gotz Strawberry Banana flavor!!! heart Tis was good but Wild Cherry would've probably tasted better....
Then we walked along and...We went to the Calander Store! I really wanted a Naruto calander! But they only had a FMA calander... I wanted to get it, but I wanted to go to Heroes and Dragons to see if they would have a Naruto calander. There were so many cute puppy and kitty calanders~! whee
*thinks* What did we do after that? Well all I remember is that we went to the bathroom! XD Nyanko and I were standing outside the bathrooms waiting for everyone else. I noticed that there was a family bathroom. So I made something up like, "A guy and a girl accidently go into the same bathroom. You know why it's called family? Because they make babies in there!" Nyanko gave her "grossed out" look to me.
We went to Heroes and Dragons after that! I was very disappointed because they didn't have the awesomely huge Death Note poster! It was replaced with a stupid Sora poster...D= There were lotsa KH posters...@_@ There was finally somewhere that had Vampire Knight volume 1, so I bought it...XD Since I wanted a calander so very badily, I bought a Tsubasa calander! Though I wish I bought the FMA one... sweatdrop
We walked and went to this one store that I do not remember the name of! They had a lot of decorative shtuffz! Like candles, decorations that have mist coming out of them, pictures that move and make sound, etc. I noticed something... There were bags that said, "Colorado...Moose Droppings" My first expression, "ROFL!" I gazed at the other items, "Colorado...Deer Poop" "Colorado...Cow Patties" I was with TenTen at the time and we were like, WTF!?
We then went to Icing by Claire's. I bought black nail polish because I've always wanted black nail polish~!
And after all that I was surprised I still had $20 left...o_o
We went to Entertainmart and there was a lot of anime dvd's! What I really wanted was some anime posters though...
Then we waited and waited for my mom to come to Country Buffet from work. She came then we started to eat and stuffz. I found out that I am very fond of Rasberry Iced Tea. It is very nummyful. Us five started talking of odd topics. Like, "Would you rather have Zetsu or Kisame rape you?" Then we started having this whole thing about who is desguising theirselves as Sasuke!? We were suspicious of everyone. I was all silent at the beggining so they suspected me, and I started talking seriously like Sasuke...And they suspected me even more! D= But I suspected NYANKO! YOU KNOW YOU'RE SASUKE IN GIRL FORM! D=
We went to Barnes and Noble after that~! I was allowed to buy something but I didn't have my wallet...o_O There is a person who can't talk that I've seen come there before. He is fond of manga. He's pretty old, probably 40 or 50. He always talks to us in sign language, I nod. I don't know why, but everyone else left the manga section and I followed. I felt so guilty. He seems so lonely. Is it right for me to think that way? When we were driving away I saw him looking at the ground, looking depressed. I feel so sorry for him...
I've noticed that I've been depressed lately. I think it's because I'm feeling down of myself. I always think there's nothing I can do for this world. I think that something needs to help me get out of this depressing world of mine! So, if you'd guys would like to help, can you tell me what's good about myself? What you like about me? Please? When I was depressed before, Nana-chan and Nyanko sent emails back to me making me very happy. I felt so bubbly... So I think that is the only solution for me to get out of this... Please help? Thank you?
That's all I will say for now...BYEBYE *hugglation* Happy New Year's Eve~!
