We decided to have another Thanksgiving yesterday because my step-son's girlfriend was down in San Diego for the holiday. She ended up having a terrible time because her best friend used that time to try talking her out of living with Paul and going back to her family (who btw threw her out for having sex and not giving up her relationship to Paul). Of course, she wasn't going to be talked out of it so they treated her badly.
As I wrote before our previous turkey day turned out to be crap. So we were all up for it. Also it had been Paul's birthday on Thanksgiving so we had a belated party for him as well.
Unfortunately, my mother-in-law had two beers before the rest of the family came over. Paul decided to go to the liquor store and got some Mike's and Schmirnoff Ice for the evening. His girl had a couple of the Ice and mom had a 24 oz of MGD. Everyone in the house, except Pam and I, had at least one bottle of booze.
OMG, it turned out to be a big bust AGAIN!!! I CANNOT STAND MY MOTHER-IN-LAW WHEN SHE'S BEEN DRINKING. scream She gets out of hand. Either she gets totally maudlin or speaks inappropriately. We had a friend of the family over who is 17. He's a friend of our nephew (also 17). Yeah they were both drinking too which I do not approve of but have no voice in the matter. Anyway, my M-I-L asked him if he ejaculated when his girlfriend scratches his back. OMG!!!! After that we sent her to her room.
Then Paul's gf, who has ADHD and bi-polar disorder started getting seriously drunk. She was running around and acting out. Things I used to do back in my old drinking days. Between the extreme giddiness and the endless woe is me, I'm so terrible. Well it was a little traumatizing. I don't think I want to celebrate another holiday with these kids (including my 60 year old mother-in-law)!!!
mavenofmystery · Mon Dec 03, 2007 @ 02:37am · 0 Comments |