Yeah, I haven't submited an entry for a while. I think.
I'm working hard on the slideshow! I promise I will finish it! I finished Nyanko's part of the slideshow, and now I'm working on Nana-chan's part of the slideshow. I'm almost finished with Nana-chans part of the slideshow~!
3nodding ((You don't know Nyanko so don't ask))
((Oh yeah if you're reading this Mai-chan, are you sure Miracle's going to work well for your OC? Do you have anything else that might fit your OC really well?))
Hm, what else to talk about?
Oh yeah, well my Grandpa and Grandma are coming this week. Including the little girl, Kylie. They're going to bring the Full Metal Alchemist dvd's for me! It makes me happy~! Yeah, two of my uncles are big fans of anime. They have a WHOLE BUNCH of anime dvds. But, I don't know a lot of them because they're the adult kind of animes.
sweatdrop I only knew Inu Yasha and Ranma 1/2, and some others but I don't know them very well. Oh yeah, they had Chobits too xDD;;;
Well, I'll stop my ranting now. I love you all~