Okay, I shall tell you about my time at the mall with my piano teacher, Susan.
((I did tell you that my piano teacher's a girl right?))
Well we talked about some random things on the way there.
And we talked about what highschool's I would go to.
((if any of my school friends are reading this, what highschool do you want to go to?))
When we got to the mall I went to SunCoast. ((Citadel)) Susan wanted to know about anime, so I told her about it and showed her some anime stuffz. Then I saw the Naruto Sleeping Hat, and I was like OMG I so have to get that. So of course, I bought it. -$17.95- I really wanted to buy the Mokona hat for Nana-chan >_>
We just walked around and talked about stuff, then we got to the food place and she bought a strawberry peach smoothie for me. It was yummy~!
I looked back, and Winry-chan was there! So was her girlfriend ((boyfriend @_@)) Riza-chan! I was like "OMG!" And I ran up to them and gave them hugs. We all sat down drinking/eating what we had bought. Riza and Winry ate a cherry icecream cone together, I drank my smoothie slowly, and my piano teacher drank her coffee.
Yeah, there's more interesting stuff that happened but I don't feel like talking about what happened. >_>